Chapter 8

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Episode: Monkey Brains (S1 E7)

Mikey and Donnie fight each other in the dojo until Donnie throws Mikey over his shoulder only for Mikey to do a somersault and land peacefully on his feet.

Mikey laughs at the dumbstruck Donnie.

"Dude what are you doing?" Donnie asks face palming. "You don't defend against Seoi Nage with backflips." Donnie scolds Mikey.

"Why not? Back flips are where it's at." Mikey exclaims with a big smile.

"The best defense is to roll along my back, then take me to the ground and put me in an armlock. Unless of course, I counter with a-" Donnie explains but Mikey zones him out in favor of wandering what Ruby was going to make for dinner.

"Hey, man, you can't take the fire out of hi-yahh" Mikey says before doing a back flip, "Dr. Flip-enstein!" Mikey chirps.

"I don't even know what that means

Splinter and Ruby walk in both having a quiet conversation as they walk pass the two. Donnie takes note of the two.

"Master Splinter," Donnie says gaining Splinter's attention as Ruby smiles at the two. "What would you do if someone tried- to throw you a Seoi Nage?" He asks following Splinter and Ruby as they continue to walk.

"I don't know." Splinter admits.

"Come on, you must have planned a response for every attack." Donnie said pleading with his father, he looks over at Ruby who smiles and shrugs at him.

"If you think too much about what is coming, you lose sight of what is. You must be fully in the moment you can fight without thinking." Splinter explains stopping for a second to fully address his son.

(Fun fact I learned Raph and Donnie actually have no clue which of them were born first. They just know Leo is the oldest, and Mikey is the youngest. Just thought that was interesting.)

"Why would I want to fight without thinking?" Donnie asks confused.

Splinter turns to look at him over his shoulder, "Allow me to demonstrate. Prepare to defend against Seoi Nage!" Splinter said before jumping Donnie.

Ruby was now next to Mikey who was showing her a new flip he made.

"owe!" Donnie whines as Splinter pins him down. "That wasn't Seoi Nage!" Donnie whines.

Splinter chuckles, "No, but you thought it would be. Now, would you like to prepare to defend against a spinning back-kick?" Splinter asks tilting his head in amusement.

Donnie stands to his feet and quickly hides behind Ruby who walks up to them. "No, I'm good." Donnie squeaks out.

"Know what would have worked there? Back flip!" Mikey chirps which Ruby shrugs and nods, "He's not wrong." She says following after Splinter.

(Theme Song)

Donnie maps out his hang out ideas with April.

He was so immersed in it he didn't notice his brothers and Ruby walk in and stand around him.

Leo smirks up at Raph and Ruby who cross their arms with amused smirks, "What you up to Donnie?" Leo asks already having a good idea on what the chart was for.

"Just putting the finishing touches on my master plan." Donnie says boastfully.

"Master Plan?" Raph asks him uncrossing his arms.

"Yeah, to get April to hang out with me." Donnie told Raph before continuing to chart.

His brothers simply laugh at him while Ruby shakes her head. 'He could do so much better than April.' She thought.

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