Chapter 7

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First I want to say thank you to everyone who reads this story I have fun writing it. Also thank you for dealing with my writing errors
Anyway enjoy! ^-^

Episode: Metalhead

(theme Song)

Ruby and Splinter were across from each other both with a look of concentration, both waiting for the others move. Their sons were out up top doing who knows what (Their fighting the Kraang)

Ruby's ear suddenly twitches and before Splinter could react she had already taken from his pile and was smirking at him.

Splinter groans as he sees only two pieces of his favorite candy in his pile. 

They were playing a game that they used to play as children. Who ever manages to grab as much candy from the other's pile first wins. They were always tied when they were kids but now Ruby was destroying him.

She didn't know that he couldn't concentrate because he'd get lost in her eyes and the way that the emotions would swirl in them.

Splinter sighs in defeat he literally only had 2 pieces of candy left from the 20 he once had.

He only managed to take 4 from Ruby.

Ruby wiggles her eyebrows and ears at him mockingly.

"Just admit it Yoyo, you lost." Ruby said in a cocky tone giving him a shrug.

Splinter sighs, "Fine you win this round, but if I weren't so distracted we both know you'd lose." Splinter said rubbing noses with Ruby before eating his last two pieces of candy.

Ruby snickers, "Whatever you say." She tells him with a shrug she then picks up all her candy and puts it in a bag before putting the bag in her bed side drawer.

She heads to the door and looks out upon seeing the boys before groaning. Splinter looks at her confused. 

Ruby turns her head but not her body, looking at Splinter over her shoulder, "The annoying red head is here." She explains before walking into the living room. She'll try to be civil for Donnie's sake.

RUby then notices the dead Kraang droid Donnie had brought home, she looks to Leo who shrugs shaking his head. 

"This technology is light-years ahead of anything I've ever seen!"" Donnie gushes.

'Wait till you meet my clan then.' Ruby snorts to herself.

"What do you boys want for Dinner?" Ruby asks catching Donnie, Raph and Mikey's attention.

"hey mom!" They gush giving her happy waves. Ruby chuckles and greets them back.

"How about pizza?" Mikey asks who was eating a slice of pizza as they speak. 

"Too much pizza is bad for you." Ruby said shaking her head.

Mikey and Leo follow Ruby into the kitchen eager to see what they had available for Ruby to make.

"Do you know what this is?" Donnie asked April holding up a piece to her but April doesn't even look in his direction before answering, "No."

"Neither do I! But I can't wait to find out!" Donnie gushes.

Splinter then comes in with a new staff for Donnie.

Raph who was playing with Spike smiles, "Look, Spike. Donnie got another stick to break." He told the turtle who glances in Donnie's direction.

"With all do respect, Sensei, I can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6-foot staff. I was hoping to upgrade my weapon." Donnie told Splinter.

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