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Almost on cue, Alex and Reggie poofed in, seeing the couple kiss.

"Dude that's gross!" Reggie said, pulling the two apart.

Alex gave Reggie a look and said "oh leave them alone. What are you two doing here anyways?"

Mackenzie held up the book in her hands and said "getting a new book and checking in on Benny."

Reggie smiled when he heard the sunset curve song playing in the background and then saw Benny mouthing the words.

"Ok so I'm gonna go back to the studio and try to transfer my stuff to this book, you guys don't kill each other, thanks." Mackenzie said, poofing away from the music shop.


When the band first discovered "bennys music factory", Mackenzie wasn't even a part of the band yet. She was only known to be the younger sister.

But when the boys dragged her along to bennys shop, she discovered that she needed to get herself an instrument. Sure, she played the piano that was in the studio, but that didn't fit the bands vibe.

"And who's the little lady?" The man asked as the band entered the shop. Mackenzie was just looking around in awe at the different instruments. The guitars that hung on the wall made her eyes sparkle.

"Oh um, Benny this is my sister Kenzie." Reggie said as he noticed she wasn't paying attention.

"Well does she play with you boys or something?" Benny asked.

"Well not yet. She helps us write songs but we need to get her an instrument." Luke said, laughing at his five foot best friend.

"She seems into the guitars." Alex said, motioning towards the girl.

"So, Mackenzie, you know how to play guitar?" Benny asked, catching the girls attention.

"I know the basics. Mind if I just try one out?" The girl asked while she looked at the baby blue colored six string the was hung on the wall.

"Go for it." Benny said with a smile as the girl lifted the guitar, plugging it into the amp right next to it.

Mackenzie started to play one of the songs the band had just played the other night at a club, leaving Benny in shock.

"I feel like I have to just give you that six string.. your like the goddess of guitars." Benny said in shock.

Mackenzie giggled and said "I'm not that good."

Luke raised an eyebrow at the girl, along with the other boys, and said "you played that better than I did the other night. Your getting that guitar."

Mackenzie laughed and Benny said "ok, since your associated with these punks, your first purchase is in the store."

"Wait but-"

"Nope, these boys are good kids, your going to be big someday so you can easily pay me back then. But for now it's yours." Benny said as he cut the girl off.

"Thank you so much! Oh my gosh!" The girl cheered as Benny grabbed his Polaroid camera off the front desk.

"Say cheese!"

The flash blinded the five teens eyes as Benny took the photo to hang in his new wall of customers. He had about five photos up so far since it was fairly new.

"Ok Benny we gotta head back so we will see you later." Bobby said as the five started to go.

"Be smart you punks!" Benny called out, making them laugh.

Mackenzies face had a huge smile on it. Never did she think she would get a free six string from a music shop.

"So Kenz, you think you wanna actually preform with us now?" Luke asked, nudging his best friends arm as he slid into the seat next to her in reggies car.

"Well duh!" She said with a smile.

She looked out the car window and noticed it was a little darker out. Mackenzie knew Luke always had a watch on his wrist, so she grabbed the boys arm and read the time.

"Shit! Reggie you gotta bring me home.. mom and dad don't know that I left and they're going to call to my room for me for dinner." Mackenzie said in a panic seeing it was 5:45pm.

"Alright alright, don't worry." Reggie said turning down the road where the Stanton house is.

"Thanks Reg, bye guys!" Mackenzie said, rubbing out of the car and towards the back gate. She ducked under the windows of the kitchen, avoiding any trouble, then climbed up to her bedroom window.

"You don't have to go home too?" Alex asked Reggie before he pulled away from the house.

"No, they know I usually hangout during dinner time and usually just have pizza." Reggie said as he sat outside the house in the car so he could see she was ok.

When Mackenzie got in, she put her new guitar down and went downstairs.

"Mackenzie where were you." Her father angrily asked.

"I was.. um.." she stuttered.

"What did we tell you about sneaking out. You KNOW what happens when you disobey our rules." Her father continued.

Mackenzie stood up from the table, backing away as he father angrily stood up and walked towards her.

The girl felt a sting of pain as her fathers hand slapped her face.

"Up to your room. No dinner tonight." He said with an angry look.

The front door opened and Reggie came in after seeing what just happened.

"Dad come on. She was only with me and the guys!" Reggie said to their father.

Without waiting for a response, Reggie went up the stairs to check in on Mackenzie.

He went into her room and saw the red hand mark on her face along with some tears.

"I'm sorry Kenz." He said, pulling his sister in for a hug.

"It's not your fault, i should've stayed home." She said, pulling away from the hug.

"Look, go back to the other three before Bobby gets fed up and takes your car, you know he will." Mackenzie said with a small laugh.

Reggie laughed and messed up the girls hair, then left.

"Bye Kenz."

"Bye Reg."

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now