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"You guys where's Reggie?" Luke asked as the band rehearsed in Bobby's garage.

"No clue. I think he's stressed out about Kenz so he stayed home. Today is one month since she spoke to any of us. Let's just leave him be for today, we'll see him in school tomorrow." Alex said, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's only been a month?" Luke asked, shocked since it's felt like way longer.

"I know, it's crazy. But come on we gotta rehearse." Bobby said as he began to play one of the songs they were working on.

The three of them played and did what they had to, then went their separate ways home.

Since Alex and Luke have to pass by the Stanton house to get home, they made sure to stay on the houses side of the road to see if they could hear anything.

"Going to check in them isn't the best idea.." Alex said as the two stood outside, the Stanton parents arguing loudly.

"Yeah. Yeah let's not.." Luke said as they continued to walk. Luke got home first, saying goodbye to Alex as he went inside.

"Hey Luke where were you tonight?" Emily asked as Luke came in.

"At rehearsal." He responded, continuing to his room to avoid the whole lecture about being in a band and wasting his time.

The next morning at school, Reggie picked all of the boys up after a failed attempt to talk to Mackenzie.

"Hey man where were you last night?" Luke asked as he got in the car.

"Just a rough night.. Kenz was crying all night and I couldn't sleep." Reggie said as he rubbed his eyes.

Luke frowned, turning on the cars radio to play some music so it wasn't too gloomy in the car.

As he picked up the other two, he told the same things to them and did his best to avoid the topic.

"How did she get here so fast." Bobby asked, seeing the short blonde at her locker. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, baggy sweatpants and a familiar sweatshirt was what she wore.

It was terrible to see her like this. Usually she cleaned up nice for school everyday and smiled, making everyone's day better.

"Hey Kenz." The boys said, stopping at her locker. The girl ignored them as she walked off, her head down to hide the tear stained face.

"Worth a shot.." Reggie softly said, walking off to his locker while the others followed.

"Wait. Luke is that your sweatshirt she has?" Alex asked, peeking towards where the girl walked away and seeing the navy blue sweatshirt.

Luke looked over too, a small smile forming on his face. "Yeah, I think so.." he said.

As Mackenzie walked to class, she was turning the corner down the hallway and accidentally bumped into her worst nightmare.

"Awe your wearing your boyfriends hoodie how cute!" Sarah said with her petty attitude.

"He's not my boyfriend." Mackenzie said, walking away from the girl.

Sarah grabbed the girls arm before she got too far, a smirk coming on her face.

"Sure he isn't. Who am I kidding no one would want to date you. But this is Just like you didn't kiss my boyfriend right?" Sarah said, punching Mackenzie in the face before letting her go.

"That's going to leave a mark." Sarah said, watching Mackenzie walk off with one hand over where she got hit.

"You guys. Look." Alex said, nudging the closest persons arm which was Luke.

They saw Sarah and Mackenzie talking, hiding around the corner to hear what was going on.

They watched as Sarah punched Mackenzie in the face, Reggie looking to the other three with rage in his eyes.

He never thought sarah would be the one to ruin mackenzies life. He always thought it would be some stupid boy who was going to break her heart.

"Reg calm down." Bobby said, shaking the boy.

"Calm down?! she just fucking punched my sister in the face." Reggie said, storming off to class while the others followed behind.

Mackenzie never went to class that day. She just went to the studio and grabbed her six string and went home.

Nothing could ruin her day anymore than it is.

She sat on her bed, her six string plugged into her amp on volume one, and began to play. She didn't play much, only a quick song.

But that quick song turned into two hours of playing. She left her bedroom door open, figuring that no one would be home until later.

The time was around noon now, usually when the five of them would eat lunch. Mackenzie was so lost in the music that she didn't even hear the front door open.

Small whispers were heard from her bedroom door, making her look over and to see not only one but all four boys.

"Boundaries!" She said, covering her face and going towards the door to shut it.

"This boundaries stuff is bullshit. We are all talking. Right now." Luke said as he stopped the door with his foot and the four came into her room.

Mackenzie noticed the angered look on reggies face which gave her a bad feeling that something happened. Luke was angry too but that was nothing new to the girl.

"Why did you let her punch you." Reggie said doing his best to not snap.

"Because why not. Someone was going to do it anyways so why wait." Mackenzie responded with a bit of attitude, which only angered Reggie more.

"So if she punches you, PUNCH HER BACK! And if she picks on you, tell us and we will help! Kenz your not alone, you might think you are but your not." Reggie said, finally snapping.

Mackenzie stood there in shock. She's been waiting for Reggie to snap at someone, she just never thought it would be her. She figured it be some dumbass at school.

"Ok ok, that was harsh.. but he's right Kenz." Alex said in MUCH softer tone than Reggie had spoken to her.

Mackenzie shook her head and looked to each boy. Bobby didn't seem like he genuinely cared, more like he was only there so he wasn't alone. Luke looked pissed. Alex was just trying to keep everyone calm, that was usually his role in the friend group.

"Fine. I got fight her and what am I accomplishing? Oh right, a front row ticket to detention. No thanks." Mackenzie said, crossing her arms.

The four boys looked at eachother, then Alex hit Luke's arm to see if he had anything to say since Mackenzie rarely went off at him.

"Well yeah your right. But Kenz we miss you. We miss being picked on at the studio, we miss your hugs that made everyone feel better, and we need you back to the band.. it's so empty without you there." Luke said, moving his hands around as he spoke.

Mackenzie looked at the time, seeing it was now almost 12:30. "Oh look, you guys have to get back to school. Bye!" She said, pushing them all out of her room.

Reggie went to speak but got cut off by the girls bedroom door slamming shut.

So, they went to school for the remainder of the school day and thought about how to help the girl. But nothing seemed to work out so they were losing hope.

Sorry this chapter literally sucks. I needed a filler so I made a flashback chapter.

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