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"Why'd you sto- " Mackenzie asked as she heard Luke's voice completely stop. She looked around where she was, somewhere very different from the studio.

"H-hello?" She whispered, scared of what would come if she was too loud.

She got a response, but not the one she wanted. The girl was poofed away again and put onto a bright stage in-front of a large crowd.

She looked at the crowd in fear as she realized where she was, not even noticing the fact that she was playing a whole guitar riff.

"How do you like my band!" Caleb said with his evil smirk, looking from the crowd to Mackenzie.

Mackenzie glared at the man. Ofcourse this is happening to her. Nothing good ever happens and if it does, it doesnt last long AT ALL.

As the performance ended, the band was poofed off of the stage into their dressing rooms.

But Mackenzie didn't prepare herself like the other performers were. She was too overwhelmed to even think about getting ready. Simply, she sat in her chair, head down, and cried.

"Miss Mackenzie! It's awfully great if you to join us!" Caleb said as he appeared behind the girl.

"Yeah because I did this on my own. Why the fuck would I sell myself to you?" Mackenzie said, standing up and looking the man in the eyes.

"Well it's quite simple. Your here because I wasn't done with you from last time. your not going anywhere this time, alive atleast." Caleb said, sending a small zap through the girls body.

The zap shouldn't be hurt, but her body was too weak to handle even the smallest zaps.

"Just you w-wait Caleb. J-just you wait and see what I can do." Mackenzie said, attempting to stand straight.

"I'm excited. But, that won't be now." Caleb said, zapping the girl once more and poofing her away to her room.

Mackenzies body landed on the bed, all she could feel was numbness.

"P-please.." she whimpered silently, pain taking over her body.

There was a body that appeared, standing next to Mackenzie. Her eyes could barely open so she couldn't see who it was.

"No no no... Kenzie are you alright? Wake up!" The voice said, lightly shaking the girl.

The girl groaned in pain as the person lifted her off the bed.

"Sorry.." the person said, setting her back down. She could make out who the voice was now.

It was Willie.

"h-help.." she said, feeing pain and weakness through her body.

"I'm trying.. I'm trying. I'll be right back." Willie said before poofing away.

"GUYS!" Willie said in a panic as he appeared in the studio.

The three jumped up, spooked by the sudden yelling.

The three boys looked like a mess. It's only been about an hour or two, but reggies eyes were puffy, Luke was staring off in deep thought, and Alex was pacing around the room.

"I found her! She's not ok though.." Willie said, catching all of their attention.

"W-what do you mean Shes not ok? How could she possibly get hurt?!" Reggie said as he jumped up off the couch.

"I mean that Caleb got ahold of her. She must've gotten a zap because she-" Willie started but was interrupted by something poofing in.

Luke and Reggie groaned as something came falling into their laps, looking down to see the girl passed out.

"Willie.. go before he comes.." Alex said, Willie poofing away.

"Kenz.. come on Kenz wake up." Luke said, pulling the girl up.

"I see you boys have received my gift. She doesn't have long so enjoy it while it lasts!" Caleb said as he appeared, disappearing right after.
The three boys began to cry, looking at the girl.

"Kenz come on you gotta stay with us! We need you!" Reggie said, shaking the girl.

Mackenzie just groaned in pain, shifting herself into Luke's arms for comfort.

Luke was quick to wrap his arms around her, hugging her close.

Mackenzie started to whisper something lightly, a verse from her song trainwreck.

"Not ready to die.. not yet. Pull me out of the train wreck.." was all she said, tears coming down her face.

A familiar glow went around mackenzies body. The same one from the other two times she almost died.. again.

"Guys.." Alex said, staring at the glowing girl confused.

Mackenzie could feel her body again. The numbness that was once all she felt was gone. Now she can actually feel the boy holding her, along with his tears falling down her face.

The girl lifted her arms and wrapped them around Luke's neck hugging him.

"You cannot scare me like that again. I thought I lost you this time." Luke whispered to her.

"Ok let me give my sister a hug now." Reggie said, pulling the girl away from Luke and hugging her.

"Mackenzie Rae.. what will we do with you.." Reggie said as him and his sister stood in a hug.

"Just.. I don't even know." She said, hugging him tightly.

"I love you Kenz." He whispered.

"Love you too Reg." She whispered back, now walking to hug Alex who looked extremely stressed.

Being The tallest of the group, Mackenzies head was only to the height of his chest.

"Miss Stanton I was this close to completely loosing it." Alex said, holding up two fingers pinching against each other.

"And I was that close to literally dying so.." she said, Alex lifting his hand and messing up the semi near hair on the girls head.

"Ok I want another hug now." Luke said, standing up with his arms out.

"You big baby." She said, moving away from Alex's hug and running to Luke, jumping into his arms.

The two fell onto the floor, Mackenzie putting her hands beneath Luke's head before they fell so he didn't hurt it.

Luke kissed her cheeks a couple of times, making a small giggle escape from her.

"Ok you two definitely would've been married if we were still alive." Alex said with a smirk as he watched the couple.

"I'd hope we would be."

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now