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It was before the time that Luke and Mackenzie dated and before Mackenzies depression. A cold Saturday evening.

Mackenzie was riding around on her skateboard around town, clearing her mind from an argument her and her parents just had.

"Mack!" She heard a familiar voice call. She turned her head and saw Mrs Patterson standing out by the Patterson house.

"Hey Mrs P, how are you?" Mackenzie said, putting on a fake smile so she wouldn't get questioned about what was going on.

"I'm alright, but.. Luke is stressing out in his room right now and won't let me or Mitch in. Do you think you could try and talk to him? Your the only one who he won't go attack." Emily said, worry clear in her eyes.

"Of course. I'll try." Mackenzie said, a soft, less forced smile coming to her face as she entered the house.

"Hey Mr P." she said as she passed Mitch in the kitchen.

He waved to the girl, seeing she didn't have time to stop and talk right now.

Mackenzie knocked on the door before opening it.

"I said to leave me alone!" Luke yelled, thinking it was his mother again.

His face softened at the sight of his favorite five foot blonde coming in. "Kenz?" He asked.

Mackenzie could see the stressful look in his eyes. Yes, they might just be your everyday blue eyes to someone else. But, Mackenzie could read Luke's emotions easily.

"I was passing by and you mom asked me to come check on you. What's wrong?" Mackenzie said, sitting the boy down on the bed, placing herself next to him.

"If I'm being honest.. I don't even know. My parents don't support me doing music because I'm just 'wasting my time' as my mom put it. I can't give that up, that's my-my passion!" He said, standing back up from the bed and walking around his bedroom.

"Luke. look at me." Mackenzie said, grabbing his shoulders and looking at his stressed eyes.

Their eyes met, Luke looking into Mackenzies eyes as his face slowly softened.

"It's all going to be worth it. I just need you to relax." She said, Luke slowly nodding his head.

"How did you-.." he was going to ask, but Mackenzie cut him off. "Reggie does the same thing at home. He'll freakout when our parents fight and then I go calm him down. And I have to do the same to Alex since we all know how he is."

Luke laughed and gave Mackenzie a hug. "Thank you." He said with a smile.

"No problem. I'm going to head home before my parents notice I'm gone. Goodnight lukie." Mackenzie said, poking the boys nose.

"Goodnight little Kenzie bears." Luke said, knowing she hated being called that.

Mackenzie left the Patterson house and rode her skateboard home, her bedroom window locked so she went to reggies and threw a pebble at it.

"Jesus Kenz it's late.." Reggie said opening his window and pulling his sister inside..

"Sorry I got distracted." She said, wiping her shirt.

"With what? You weren't at a boys house right." Reggie said, making Mackenzie laugh.

"I was actually. I was at Luke's helping him calm down.. his mom asked me to come when I rode past." She said.

Reggie nodded his head "ok. As long as it's not a different boy."

"What do you mean different boy?" Mackenzie asked, making Reggie laugh.

"Oh come on. Don't play dumb, that's my job. It's obvious you like Luke. And by different boy i mean someone who isn't Luke, Bobby, or Alex." Reggie said, making Kenzie hit his arm.

"Reginald Stanton that is not true. Do I have to tell Sarah you like her?" Mackenzie teased.

Reggie frantically shook his head and said "no no! Don't!"

Mackenzie laughed at her brother and said "good. I'll speak to you tomorrow, I'm way too tired to keep this conversation going."

Reggie nodded and hugged his sister one last time before letting her go to bed.

End of flashback

As the early afternoon came around, Mackenzie and Luke had finally woken up. Well, Mackenzie did. Luke had been up since ten.

"It's about time!" Reggie said, noticing Mackenzies eyes opening.

"Fuck off reg." The girl said, holding up her middle finger to her brother.

"Hey hey hey, be nice you two." Alex said, raising an eyebrow at the siblings.

Luke was just smiling at the blonde girl next to him, admiring her presence.

"Ok, now that we are all awake.. what do we do about Luke's mom knowing we're back?" Alex said, sitting on his drum stool.

"No clue, but what I do know is that Bobby is going to have explaining to do when she finds out that he's Trevor Wilson." Luke said, moving his head off of Mackenzies shoulder, only for hers to go onto his shoulder.

"Can I just sleep a little longer..?" Mackenzie said, shutting her eyes a little bit.

"Kenz it's almost 12 though.." Reggie said, pointing to the clock on the wall.


"Yeah, get some more sleep while we figure this out." Luke said, Mackenzie smiling as she snuggled herself into Luke's side even more.

Within seconds the blonde fell asleep, hoping to wake up to the boys having an idea.

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