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The two ghosts didn't return to the studio that night, something that none of them knew was going to happen. Not even Mackenzie and Luke.

When the morning sun rose, Mackenzie woke up with Luke next to her asleep in bed in a hotel looking room.

Mackenzie looked around the room before getting out of the bed. The room looked like your normal everyday hotel room; but there was a photo on the wall that sent chills down the girls spine, making her freeze.

A photo of Caleb in a frame hung on the wall. His evil blue eyes felt like they stared into her soul.

Mackenzie shook Luke awake, ignoring the fact that he looked extremely tired.

"It's early- where are we?" He said opening his eyes slowly, seeing the odd room.

"Welcome back to the Hollywood ghost club!" Caleb said as he appeared in the room.

Luke jumped out of bed and went to where mackenzie stood, standing in front of her.

"Young love, so sweet. But! No one will know your here and I don't have to walk around in your human blonde friend anymore! Come on, show time!" Caleb said, poofing the two ghosts on the main stage.

They each appeared, wearing formal clothes and all fixed up. Luke was wearing his same suit Caleb gave him last time while Mackenzie was now wearing a short red dress.

While the song continued, Mackenzies eyes scanned the room since she had no control of anything else.

Her eye sight paused on Willie who stood towards the grand staircase. He looked shocked to see the two ghosts there, more scared of what Luke would do once the performance was over.

Within seconds willie poofed away, hopefully to get help.

As the performance ended, Caleb poofed everyone off the stage besides Mackenzie and one of the male dancers.

Since Mackenzie had no control, she was dancing around with the dancer, being too close to each other.

Then if things couldn't get worse, Caleb forced the two to kiss, poofing them away immediately.

Luke looked mad. He looked mad the Caleb would do that to her.

Mackenzie ran to Luke once she spotted him, hugging him tightly. As he did the same, she could feel his anger.

"Luke we've gotta get out of here." She said, gripping the boy tighter.

"Kenz we can't get out of here. There's no way we can. You heard Caleb, no one knows we are here so they can't help." Luke said, poofing the two back to their room.

Mackenzie sat on the bed, rocking back and forth as she had a panic attack.

As much as Luke wanted to help her, he was having one too, pacing around the room with his hands in his hair.

"Breathe breathe breathe..." Mackenzie whispered to herself, something she would do when she was locked in her room.

Once Luke calmed down a little bit, he sat beside the girl and pulled her onto his lap.

Her once perfect makeup was now ruined as her tears flowed like a river.

"Hey hey hey, we are going to figure a way out. If we can do it once, we can do it again. Trust me." Luke whispered.

"I-I saw Willie. He saw us and left.. m-maybe he's getting help.." Mackenzie sobbed as her body continued to tremble.

"Hopefully. But right now I need you to relax. Shh shh." Luke softly said kissing the top of the girls head.

"Guys! How the check are you here?!" Willie said, whisper yelling as he appeared in the room.

"We woke up and we were here. Now how do we get out?!" Luke said, giving the boy an angry look.

"I-I don't know.. Alex and Reggie are freaking out. Have you tried poofing?" Willie said.

Mackenzie and Luke looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "N-no.." Mackenzie responded.

"Ok try, meet me at the studio if you can." Willie said, poofing away.

Luke grabbed Mackenzies hand and poofed away.

Appearing in the studio, Luke sighed and said "that was close! Right ken- Kenz? "

The girl wasn't with him.

"You lost my sister?!" Reggie said.

"Reg I don't know what happened! The poof didn't work and now she's stuck there.. SHIT!" Luke said, kicking a box.

"Ok good your here! Where's Kenzie?" Willie said as he appeared.

"It didn't work for her.." Alex sighed.

"Boys! What a pleasure to see you all!" Caleb said as he appeared. Holding Mackenzie in front of him as if she were a shield.

"Let her go!" Reggie said, stepping forward to grab his sister back.

"One more step and I kill her." Caleb said, holding up a finger with a purple spark.

Reggie paused, not wanting to get his sister hurt even more.

"Now, William come back with me and let's get our tour ready, are new lead guitarist is joining!" Caleb said, referring to Mackenzie.

The girl tried to fight her way out of calebs arms. "I'm not in your stupid band! Let me go!" She yelled, elbowing the man in the chest.

His grip loosened and he fell to the ground, Mackenzie running to the closest person, Reggie.

Reggie was quick to hug her. "You really love to scare me don't you. Now stand back.." He said putting her behind him.

Luke and Reggie stood in front of the girl, who was now holding onto Alex in a hug.

"William. Let's go." Caleb angrily said, poofing himself and Willie away.

"Mackenzie Rae Stanton and Lucas James Patterson what the hell did you two do that you were with him?!" Reggie angrily asked, turning to face the couple.

"Reg calm down!" Mackenzie said as she could see the anger on his face.

"Calm down?! You guys could've died again!" He said.

"Reggie it was my fault. We were out and I fell asleep, then Luke fell asleep.. he must've found us and poofed us to the club." Mackenzie said, stepping towards Reggie.

"I don't want to hear it Kenz." Reggie said, turning away and walking out.

Mackenzie stood there in shock. Reggie never gets angry. Never like this atleast. It makes sense though, he takes after their dad, same dark hair and light eyes. Mackenzie takes after their mom, similar light hair but she has her dads eyes.

"Your becoming just like dad! I'm always the problem and I'm fucking tired of it!" Mackenzie yelled, making the room go quiet and Reggie to stop walking.

She immediately regretted saying that, seeing the hurt in reggies eyes. But, it went away as he spoke now.

"And you being just like mom! Trying to put the situation to someone else." He said. Watching the single tear go down Mackenzies cheek.

Luke and Alex stood back. They each knew better than to interfere with sibling arguments, especially if it's the Stanton siblings.

"Fuck you reggie." Mackenzie said as she poofed off.

Reggie stood there for a second, looking down as he realized this wasn't good.

Reggie poofed away too, leaving the final two boys to be in the studio.

"That was- woah." Alex said in shock.

"I've never seen them argue like that.." Luke said Looking to Alex.

"You go find Kenz, I'll find Reggie." Alex said, Luke nodding his head agreeing.

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