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"Kenz? Luke? You guys here?" Reggie asked as he entered the studio.

"I'm up here!" Kenzie said, peeking over the ledge of the loft.

Reggie climbed up and said "where's Luke? And what the heck are you doing?"

"Luke went to and grabbed some street dogs for lunch, and I'm trying to organize myself up here." Mackenzie said, pointing the the three large boxes behind her.

"Ok. Do you plan on coming home anytime soon..?" Reggie asked.

They both went down to the couch and Mackenzie said "reg.. I'm not coming back. I'm actually happy here."

Reggie frowned at his sister. He loved that she was happy and doing better, but he missed having someone to go to at home when their parents argued. Especially since it's getting worse.

"Reg what's wrong?" Mackenzie asked, noticing her brother staring off in a deep thought.

"Nothing, I'm alright. Me and the boys are gonna come here before our gig tonight. The principal wants us to play at the spirit rally." Reggie said as he stood up, going to the doors.

"Great. A place where everyone who wants to see me is." Mackenzie said with a slight frown.

"Kenz tonight you prove to them who's boss. You show them that your done crying over everything. I'll see you later." Reggie said, hugging his sister before leaving.

"Oh hey Kenz." Luke said when he came back from Juan's street dog car.

"Hey. I can't believe you talked me into getting one of these things. I swear they're gonna get us killed one day." Kenzie said, taking the street dog Luke handed her.

"Well, not yet. Did Reggie tell you about our gig?"

"Yeah. The spirit rally.. of all places?" Mackenzie said, taking a bite of the street dog.

"I know, not your ideal comeback performance.. but it's something right." Luke said, nudging mackenzies arm.

"Yeah but.. I don't know. What if this ruins the band. What if this performance tonight makes people not want to listen to us anymore because of me." Mackenzie said frowning to the boy.

Luke put his arm around Mackenzie, pulling her close to him, and said "so what, we lose a few listeners. I don't want you to keep over thinking about stuff like that."

Mackenzie smiled at the boy and said "thanks.. but overthinking will forever be in my mind. Name one time where I haven't overthought about something."

Luke laughed at the girl and leaned back into the couch, pulling her with him.

"Lucas Patterson you amaze me with how soft you are to me." Mackenzie said, smirking at the boy.

"Well Mackenzie Stanton, you amaze me with how low you think of yourself when your everyone's dream girl." Luke said back, kissing Mackenzie on the cheek.

After a couple of hours the band was al together in the studio. Bobby was practicing so he could impress some girls, Kenzie was doing her hair, and the others were waiting for them.

"Ok let's go." Kenzie said, coming out of the bathroom.

Luke smiled at her as they walked to the car with the others. "Don't any of you say anything to bring my mood down. I feel good right now." Mackenzie said as she sat in the passengers seat next to Reggie.

"Ok good, because I do too. This is a good sign boys!" Alex said, making everyone laugh.

As they got to the school, they set up on the stage. The amps set in their places, Alex's drum set up on the small platform, and the microphones around the stage.

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