Uno reverse

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A week later...

Where was I? I can't hear, see, smell, or feel anything...

That was until a loud ringing noise almost busted my ear drums. It was like all my senses had come back to me at once and it hurt.

I felt every cut, bruise and gash on my body. I have no idea how they got there but it hurt like hell. Normally I wouldn't be very bothered by this but when you get all senses back at once, it kinda throws you off.

I saw I was in a dark musty room, and that I was chained to the floor. The cuffs were rusted and stained with blood. There were no windows, only a dim lamp that barely gave off any light and a metal door.

The room smelled of rotten flesh and mildew. It made me want to gag.

I was going to scream but my throat felt dry and hoarse, like I haven't drank anything in days. I probably haven't. I don't even know how long I've been here, so who knows?

"Ah, you're awake. 'Bout time too. You hit your head pretty hard each time you came in." An intercom spoke.

Wait... "What do you mean, 'each time'?" I asked, my voice still scratchy.

"Ah yes, your friend's quirk was a pesky one at best. What's his name? Jackson I believe... gave us a little bit of trouble there trying to get you back. He did eventually run out of stamina and also got injured pretty badly because of it." The intercom spoke once more.

"How bad did he get hurt?!" I asked, panicked.

"Ah, still as selfless as ever. I've heard a lot of stories about you, always putting others before yourself."

"You didn't answer my question..."

"Ah yes, the boy. He had to go to the hospital before he bled out. Rest assured, he's fine now."

Thank god...

"Now, I'm sure you have many questions. You also must be quite parched. I'll bring you some water and we can talk in person."

The intercom made a beeping noise, signaling the user left.

A moment later the metal door creaked open and out came a well-dressed man. He had on a white shirt and black dress pants with his coat hanging off his shoulders. There was a cigarette in his mouth and a water bottle in his hand, ebony hair swept to one side, revealing his equally dark eyes.

"I should probably introduce myself." He said, walking closer to me.

I looked up at him and he held out the bottle.

"My name is William Chambers. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

I took the water bottle from his hands, the chains rattling as I did so. The lid was still sealed so he couldn't have put anything in it. I opened it up and chugged the entire thing in 10 seconds.

"My my, weren't you thirsty. Anyways, now that your throat is in better condition go ahead and ask any questions and I will happily answer."

This guy seems a little too nice considering the situation I was in.

"Where am I?" I started with.

"You're in an underground base located somewhere in California." William answered.

"Why did you kidnap me?"

"My boss needed to speak with you."

"Who is your boss?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"How long will I be here?" I asked.

He just smirked. "Not long Izuku, not long at all."

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