New school part 1

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"I already told you, he hasn't been captured by villains. He is perfectly safe." Aizawa told the class for the millionth time that day. It's only been 2 days since izukus departure and he's still causing Aizawa problems.

"Then why won't you tell us where the fuck he is old man?!" Bakugo screamed at him.

"I've already told you, it's not my place to tell. I suggest you all move on from this so we can actually get class started." Aizawa grumbled out while activating his quirk for extra intimidation.

Bakugo mumbled something before he crossed his arms and sat down. The rest of the class looked dejected except for a certain few, who kept their faces unreadable.

Meanwhile on the other side of the world Izuku Midoriya was peacefully sleeping. That's how time zones work, when America is awake, Japan is asleep and vise versa.

Izukus POV

When I woke up I excitedly hopped out of bed, putting on my new uniform for school.

It was similar to the UA uniforms but they looked more formal and prestigious. Exactly what'd I'd expect from North Academy. My father actually thought me how to properly tie a tie yesterday so now it didn't look like a lump.

I checked my phone and had a few messages from the group chat. I kept good on my promise and made sure to keep in contact with my friends and they told me everyone's reactions to my disappearance.

Funny how they only realized their mistakes when I'm gone.

Pushing out any negative thoughts in preparation for the day, I went downstairs and was greeted by the now familiar smell of pancakes, hash browns, and bacon.

Japans food mostly revolves around sea food so it was nice to have something new for breakfast that didn't taste like fish. I mean it wasn't as healthy but who cares?

I happily ate the food my dad made before gathering all my school supplies. My dad laughed at how excited I was about going to school.

We went outside to the garage and got into my dads car. It was a black Chevrolet Corvette with red, orange, and yellow flames on the side to represent my dads quirk.

My mom thought it was a bit too flashy but I thought it was great! Having the roof rolled down with the wind blowing through your hair and blasting music was one of the highlights of my day.

My dad had already driven my mom and I around the city and showed us all the nice spots on the coastline and he showed us all the best restaurants and places to visit.

When we had went out my dad was recognized multiple times and the paparazzi was going nuts. They did just see two "strangers" riding in one of the top 5 heroes custom sports car so we gathered a lot of attention.

I was fine with it, I've had encounters like this before after almost winning the sports festival and all the villain attacks, but my mom on the other hand didn't really like it when all the attention was directed on her.

It was weird because she was now the CEO of a major fashion company I can't remember the name of. It started with a V I think. That must get her a lot of attention. Anyways I'm getting off track here but my dad was currently driving me to school, turning heads along the way.

When we pulled up some of the other students gawked and I heard whispers like "is that the number 4 pro hero dragon?" And "who's that kid he's with?" Plus the occasional "he's kinda cute" from the girls behind me.

I got my bag out of the backseat and hugged my dad before he drove off.

I walked into the school and all eyes were on me. I think that was a pretty good first impression.

I was greeted at the front entrance by the principal of this school. Mr. Harrison was his name I believe. He had an emitter quirk called StarBurst. It allowed him to manipulate what others are feeling through little stars that come out of the palm of his hand.

For example he can easily calm someone down or he could make someone feel more confident. But the drawbacks is that he gives away his own emotions. Say he gave someone happiness, he would then not be able to feel happiness for the rest of the day because he gave it away. His quirk only lasts 24 hours and when it wears off on the person the emotion goes back to him.

He was about 5'9 and he reminded me of a butler. He had a white mustache and a monocle. He was dressed in a nice dress shirt and dress pants with a striped vest on top of that.

"Hello. Izuku Midoriya is it? Your right on time, class is going to begin in about 20 minutes so we have the perfect amount of time to take you around the school. Typically I would have a student do this with you instead but I had some free time and decided that I'd show you around personally. So let's not dilly dally, come right this way Izuku."

Oh yeah, he'd have to get used to people calling him by his first name.

Mr. Harrison led me across campus. He showed me the science room, the library, nurses office, principals office, gym, training area, cafeteria, and the garden. He ended the tour by walking me to my homeroom class.

He told me to wait in the hallway as he went to speak to my new teacher.

While I was waiting a boy with blonde hair and golden eyes almost crashed into me. He had cat ears and a cat tail so I assumed his quirk was a mutation type that probably allowed him to have the abilities of a cat, possibly more.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! Hi, my name is Ace. Sorry for almost crashing into you, I was trying to get to class before the bell rang. By the way, you don't look familiar. Are you new here?" The enthusiastic boy asked the tad overwhelmed izuku.

"Oh uh yeah, I'm new. My name is Mid- Izuku. My name is Izuku. I'm a new student, I just transferred here from Japan." I explained.

His eyes seemed to light up.

"Japan?! Really?! Aw that place is so cool! I love all the modern tech and things, plus it's like the capitol of anime and manga! Of you have to tell me what it's like there I've always wanted to go!" He started jumping in place and izuku smiled at the pure happiness radiating from this student.

"Ah! Right. I have to get to class before the be rings in like, 20 seconds. I'll talk to you later though!" He said before running off in the direction of Izukus classroom.

Izuku smiled and laughed a bit. He was happy, he just made a new friend.

After about a minute or two more of waiting on the now empty hallway, the principal finally came back out and told him that he was all set for class. He left as Izuku went into the classroom and scanned his surroundings.

He saw Ace which was nice. Good to know he knew one person in this class. Ace was sitting by a girl with black hair, big doe-like eyes, and circle glasses. Next to her was a girl with pink hair and headphones around her neck. In front of Ace sat a hot boy with maroon hair and red eyes. He looked intimidating which made him all the more hot. Next to the hot guy and in front of the doe girl sat another guy with dark hair and violet eyes. He looked softer then the guy next to him and was also kinda cute.

He didn't have time to examine the rest of the students before the teacher started talking.

"Attention class. We have a new student. He come from UA high school in japan, please give a warm welcome to Izuku Midoriya."

Word count: 1414

Hey loves! New characters are being introduced. You'll find more about them and what they look like later.

Principals quirk inspired by one of the chapters in "Quirk Ideas" by CatConspiracy.


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