Truth or Dare

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A week later we still don't have any clues on who could be after me. They hadn't attacked us again so I'm wondering if they have something bigger planned.

Other things have happened this week though, I managed to warm up to Axel so he's not as cold to me, I did a little bonding with Emma by singing with her in my music room, Ace and I went shopping together, Izzy came over to my house to bake some goods for our school bake sale, and Jackson somehow managed to convince me to go with him into the city to graffiti some walls which was actually really fun. I got to learn a lot more about them and their personalities.

I've been posting a lot on my new Instagram account. I posted a video of Emma and I singing, I posted a picture of Izzy with flour on her face, I posted the art Jackson and I made and I took a lot of selfies with Ace while we were out shopping. Axel didn't like pictures. Somehow I managed to gain 120 followers just from that so that was cool.

Right now we were all at my house, deciding on an activity to do together. Ever since we became friends my house had kinda become like a home base for us and is where we would spend most of our time if we weren't at school.

I'm pretty sure they sleep more here then they do at their own houses.

We were all chatting, thinking of things to do when Jackson came up with an idea. "Guys! I got one. What if we play truth or dare?" He asked.

"As long as you guys don't go to far I'm good with it." Izzy said.

Emma agreed with Izzy and so did Ace and I. It took a little convincing for Axel but Emma whispered something in his ear. He turned bright red before agreeing.

Wonder what that was.

Anyway, we all got into a circle and Jax went first since he came up with the idea.

"Emma, truth or dare?"


"Who do you hate most at our school?" Jackson asked.

Emma didn't hesitate before saying "you."

The rest of the group laughed at her joke while Jax pouted. It was now Emmas turn.

"Izzy, truth or dare?" She asked.


"Ugh you guys are boringgg!" Jackson complained. Emma whacked him on the head playfully.

"Alright Izzy, do you have a crush?" Emma asked.


"Really? I could have sworn I saw you staring at the cute guy from class B27." Emma teased. Izzy blushed but instead of replying she just changed the subject.

"Uhhh... Axel! Truth or dare."


"Hmmm... I dare you to... oh I got one! I dare you to say 2 nice things about all of us." She said.

"Ugh. Fine. Jackson, you're fun to be around and you're not a complete idiot I guess. Emma I like your taste in music and... you keep Jackson in check which is funny. Ace I like your sense of style and how your always so happy. Izzy your hair style is nice I guess and... you're glasses are nice? Idk. Izuku..." he stared at me for a bit.

"You're eyes are beautiful..." he mumbled but everyone heard it. I blushed a pink color and he did too once he realized what he just said.

The group didn't know how to react so they just stared at him in shock for a bit. He broke the silence by asking Ace truth or dare.

"Ummmm.... dare!" He said.

"Uh, I dare you to tell us your greatest fear."

"Being left alone." He replied sheepishly. "Izuku truth or dare?"

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