Well shit

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If I could do it over...


"I CAN'T JUST LET THEM DIE! They didn't deserve this. It's my fault we're here in the first place. I'm sorry for dragging you guys into this mess. I started this, now I'm going to finish it."

I turned to them for what may be my last time. My vision blurred as tears brimmed my eyes. Memories with them flooding my mind.

"Thank you... for being there for me. I love you."


I wouldn't change a thing.


"Hey Mom! Dad! I'm home! Also I brought my new friends." I shouted throughout the house.

"Dude you live here?!? Woah, It's so big!" Jackson fawned over my house.

"Oh hey sweetie! Welcome home. Dad won't be home until later, he had to stay at work for a bit longer. Don't forget to take off your shoes." My mother shouted from another room before coming into view. She had a flour stained apron on with her hair tied up and what looked like pink icing on her face.

I took off my shoes and motioned for my friends to do the same.

"Why don't you introduce me to your friends," My mom commented.

"Oh, you made cupcakes? Cool! Uh, let's see. This is Emma, Isabella, Ace, Axel, and Jackson. Guys, this is my mom!" I said, pointing to each one of them. My mother smiled warmly.

"You may call me Inko or Auntie, either one is fine." She said as she bowed respectfully to my friends.

"Mom we're not in Japan anymore, you don't have to do that." I commented.

"Ah! Right, sorry. Old habits die hard I guess. Well Izuku, why don't you go show your friends around. Are they going to stay the night?" My mother asked.

"Uhhhhh..." I looked to my friends. Ace excitedly nodded, Emma said sure, Axel shrugged, Jackson shouted, "Awe yeah!", and Isabella responded, "Only if it's ok with you Mrs. Midoriya."

"Please sweetie, no need to be so formal. I insist you call me Inko or Auntie. And of course it's ok with us! We're happy to have any of Izuku's friends over anytime." My mother replied. A nearby timer dinged.

"Ah! The cupcakes are done! Izuku, why don't you go show your friends around the house and let them drop their stuff in your room." She said as she made her way to the kitchen to go take the cupcakes out.


I waved to my friends and we all went upstairs to my room so they could drop off their stuff.

"Alright, just to give you guys a quick tour, this is my room." I opened the door and showed them.

"Woaaahhh," Ace said.

"Yep, just drop your things off in that corner over there then follow me through the rest of the house." I said.

They did as I said and proceeded to follow me through the house.

"Over here are our 2 guest bedrooms that you guys could stay in if you want, or you could stay in my room. That's my parents room, that's my dad and I's training room, that's the storage closet, my mom's photography room, and finally the music room." I said, showing all the upstairs rooms.


I laughed. "Yeah, my dad's a huge music fan. He can play almost every instrument out there. Flute, violin, guitar, electric guitar, piano, bass, drums, you name it. There's tons of instruments in there, wanna see?" I asked. Her eyes practically shined and she nodded her head enthusiastically.   

I laughed once again and opened the door to the music room. She immediately sprinted right past me and into the sound proof room. Everyone else followed her.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!!!"

"If you couldn't tell, she really likes music." Isabella commented while standing next to me, watching her best friend gawk at the variety of instruments.

I chuckled at Isabella's comment.

"Hey Zuku, can you play any of these instruments?" Ace asked.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Zuku?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah! I normally give everybody nicknames! Isabella is Izzy, Emma is Em, Jackson is Jax, and Axel is Ax!" He explained.

"Oh ok. And to answer your question, I can play most of the instruments in here." I said.

"Really? Prove it." Jackson said, not believing me.


I walked over to my electric guitar that I got from Momo and Jirou and played a short simple part of a song I had recently been practicing.

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