That Bitch

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Today was my last day in UA, in Japan even. Nezu decided to give us the day off and only me and the selected few knew why.

I had woken up and did my morning routine before packing a suitcase with things I needed for tonight and tomorrow. The rest would soon be packed up in boxes and shipped off to America.

The group of people who actually care about me decided that we should hang out one more time before we go so we decided to head to the mall. I changed into my classic t-shirt that read t-shirt and a pair of jeans but the girls wanted me to try something different, so I let them chose an outfit for me.

 I changed into my classic t-shirt that read t-shirt and a pair of jeans but the girls wanted me to try something different, so I let them chose an outfit for me

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It was a little different from my usual style but... I liked it.

Momo, Jirou, Tsu, Kaminari, Kirishima and I all got dressed and ready to go the mall. We decided to leave around 10:30 and it was currently 10 so we just hung out in the common room until then.

Some others came though and gave us curious glances because you normally didn't see us all together laughing and chatting without our main groups.

Then Bakugo and Uraraka came in. We were having a fine morning till they decided to fuck up the light hearted mood.

Why can't I just have a peaceful last day?

"Oi shitty hair, dunce face. What the hell are you doing hanging around with fucking Deku?"

"We're his friends Bakugo, we're allowed to hang out with whomever we want." Kirishima stated in a less happy tone then usual.

"Yeah but why would you wanna hang out with a pathetic loser like him?" Uraraka then said.

Wow not even trying to hide her bitchiness anymore huh?

"Uraraka! Why are you being so rude?!" Tsu shouted.

"I'm not rude, I just have the balls to say what everyone else was thinking." She replied with a smirk and Bakugo snorted.

Momo had to physically hold back Tsu and Jirou from going to bitch slap her again. I guess she noticed this because she subtly took a step back from them.

"Whatever. Both of you are stupid if your gonna be buddy buddy with the class 1-A disappointment. Y'all are all fucking losers." Bakugo snarking commented.

That's it.

"Ok, you can mess with me and call me names all you want Kacchan, but don't talk bad about my friends."

I was getting sick of this bullshit.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? Cry so much you'll fill the entire room and drown me? Break your bones trying to put a scratch on me? Please, I don't know how your gonna become a hero like that."

People started overhearing the conversation and were crowding around us. Mina got there first.

"And I don't know how your gonna become a hero with that huge yet fragile ego of yours Bakugo Katsuki."

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