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These are what the characters look like. You'll find more about them like what their quirks are, their sexualities, Instagram handles, etc later in the story.

 You'll find more about them like what their quirks are, their sexualities, Instagram handles, etc later in the story

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Ace Miller

The fun-loving extrovert of the group. Looks innocent but is quite the opposite once you get to know him. Has golden eyes, cat ears/tail, and cat-like behaviors. Can always put a smile on your face, but he cares deeply about his friends and if you hurt/insult them you better start running.

 Can always put a smile on your face, but he cares deeply about his friends and if you hurt/insult them you better start running

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Emma Martinez

Curious and kind but if you get on her nerves or do something wrong she will come after your ass. She loves music and she loves her friends. She's quiet to most people but if she finds you interesting she'll try to get to know you better.

 She's quiet to most people but if she finds you interesting she'll try to get to know you better

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Jackson Hall

He's the jokester and the trickster of the group. Normally gets into trouble for trying to have fun and can always make people laugh. He is mostly chill unless you hurt someone close to him and is great at coming up with revenge plans.

 He is mostly chill unless you hurt someone close to him and is great at coming up with revenge plans

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Isabella Baker

She's the mom like figure of the group. She's the one who has to talk everyone else out of doing risky things and always has to keep an eye on them. She is care-free and loves to hang out with her friends. Mostly an introvert and shy around new people but once you warm up to her she's a caring and kind person.

 Mostly an introvert and shy around new people but once you warm up to her she's a caring and kind person

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Axel Brooks

He's the tough guy in the group and gets into fights a lot. He's basically Bakugo but he only gets mad if you talk shit about him or his friends. He keeps to himself more often then not so it's hard to earn his trust. Once you do though he becomes a real softie and will do whatever it takes to protect you.

 Once you do though he becomes a real softie and will do whatever it takes to protect you

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Izuku Midoriya.

You already know him but in this story he's gonna have significant character development and is gonna become an overall badass.

Together, this group of friends will soon become an unstoppable hero team. Read more to find out how exactly that happens and just how powerful they can be together.




Things I could improve on?

LAST CALL FOR THINGS YOU WANNA SEE IN THE STORY!!! From here on out I'll be taking the wheel so please leave any and all suggestions in the comments!

Do you want him to get a new quirk?

Should I make a drawing of them all together?

New chapters will be posted every day OR every other day! I post when I can. New chapter tomorrow.

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