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Oh god... where was I? What happened? It's so dark... fuck. Everything hurts.

I know where you are Izuku

Who are you?

It's only been a week. Did you forget me already? I'm the one who saved you.

Your voice.... it sounds familiar...

You don't remember much right now do you? Here.... I'll help with that too...

I screamed in agony. Having to be forced to watch memories was bringing too much strain on my brain.

I saw my mom. The doctor who diagnosed me as quirkless. Bakugo. All Might. Everyone at UA. Leaving for America. The tortillas... we really should have changed our group name.

The last memory came to me and I gasped.

The fight with All For One...

Am I... dead?

No. Your alive, thanks to me.

What did you do to me?

No need to use that harsh tone with me Izuku. You're gonna be with me for a while so your gonna have to get used to this.

I ask you again bastard. What. Did. You. Do. To me?

I gave you my quirk. You really didn't think I'd go down that easily would you?

But how??

The last punch you gave me. I knew I was gonna end up dead if I didn't do anything. My quirk requires physical contact and that last punch was my only hope. I didn't expect my consciousness to come with it but that's better for me.

What? But... you died. I killed you. I SAW YOU DIE!

Kami, stop yelling. It sounds louder in your mind.

I thought you gave your quirk to Shigaraki?

He failed me as a successor... so I took it back.

How the hell did you manage that? He's in Tartarus!

How do you think I managed to escape that wretched prison in the first place? I know that place like the back of my hand now.

This is too much to process. I need fresh air. Where the hell am I again?

I opened my eyes to more darkness. I was in a tight confined space... it was comfy though. I think the place I was in was lined with cushion.

Oh yeah. I should have told you. When I gave you my quirk during our fight you passed out. Your body couldn't handle the plethora of quirks at the time so it ended up flatlining.

So I am dead.

Don't interrupt me. About a year ago I had taken an immortality quirk from someone who crossed me. The problem was I couldn't use it. There was a specific activation. You had to have changed the course of time for it to work.

My fight with overhaul...


So the quirk activated after I flatlined and now I'm alive again? That still doesn't explain where I am.

Not exactly. Your body had to accommodate to all the power that you now possess before the immortality quirk could settle in as well. The process took a lot longer than I expected. As for where you are, your in your own grave.

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