36: Something New

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It's been a great few months. Winter had passed, people were happy, they had built something. There wasn't a single leader anymore, there was a council. The council included Rick Grimes, Hershel Greene, Michonne Hawthorne, Carol Peletier, Glenn Rhee, Daryl Dixon, Sasha Williams, and Elle Clarke.

They made decisions like scheduling supply runs, where newcomers would sleep, who goes on runs, who works where, and all the decisions that would be considered important.

"Okay, everyone listen up! We have your jobs for the week!" Elle shouted so she could grab everyone's attention. The jobs were shifted every week so the jobs wouldn't feel monotonous. Only a few people never switched and that was Carol, Rick, Hershel, and Daryl. Elle herself never really worked, but she was always busy with something. She climbed on top of a table and waited until everyone was looking at her. They were standing outside, the spring/summer sun beating down on them.

"Can you hurry up and tell us already?" A man from the back shouted.

"I know that was you, Adam! And I suggest you shut up and be patient, or I'll put you on horse shit duty... again." Some chuckles were heard in the crowd of people. "Okay! Karen, Tyreese, Amanda, Joe, David, you're on fence duty! Pretty easy, just use the weapons given to you and kill the walkers!" She paused as she went to the next job written on her paper. "Jack, you will be assisting the Grimes boys with the pigs! Lucy, Samantha, Flynn, you're on laundry!" She cleared her throat. She started telling everyone their jobs, giving a brief direction on how to do it for the new comers. When she was done, she looked up. "Disperse!" She shouted. People started going to where they needed to be.

"Great job, as always." Rick patted her on the back.

"What can I say? I like yelling at people." She chuckled, setting the clip board down on the nearest bench. She grabbed an apple from the stand and started making her way inside. She was greeted by Ryder.

"Hey there, gorgeous." He joked.

"Wow," she scoffed. Ryder and Elle have become best friends over the last few months, and it shows. They don't like each other in that kind of way, it's just how they joke around. Elle and Carl are on good terms, Carl just doesn't like hanging out with multiple people, so when Elle is with Ryder, Carl hangs back. "You need something?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm just bored." He shrugged.

"Go to story time or something." She suggested. Now it was Ryder's turn to scoff.

"Elle, I'm 14. I don't go to story time."

"Patrick does." She shrugged.

"Well he's interested in reading. I'm not. Give me a job." He said as they continued walking through the halls and Elle ate her apple.

"There's an extra spot open with the animals." She said.

"No way," Ryder argued. This caused Elle to raise an eyebrow. "I can't handle Carl's eyes staring at the back of my head any longer."

"Relax. My brother will be there. Just ignore Carl and talk to Jack. He likes you." Ryder just playfully rolled his eyes and walked back outside, leaving the girl alone. She let out a sigh and took another bite out of her apple. She walked through the halls, people greeting her along the way. She was well respected, as she helped bring a lot of the people here, plus if they gave her a bad attitude, she would just put them with the horses. Nobody wants to clean up after the horses.

As she turned the corner she almost bumped into someone. "Oh dear God!" Elle said, startled. "Sarah, I didn't see you there." The brown haired girl just laughed. She had long, smooth hair that reached halfway down her back, brown eyes, and the perfect laugh. Elle had curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and laughed like a donkey on drugs. "You in a hurry?" Elle asked the girl.

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