11: Walking

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Elle's P.O.V.

I sat awake for about an hour after Glenn said Goodnight. 

"Glenn, what is it exactly you're afraid of?"

"Losing you."

He was afraid to lose me. I was afraid to lose him. I repeated the words until I fell asleep. 

I woke up to orange. All I could see was the color orange. I blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted. I saw it was only the sun rising. The rest if my group had a camp outside, it was peaceful. I realized I was the only one awake. I didn't hear talking, I didn't hear floorboards creaking, I didn't hear anyone in the kitchen. The calendar on the wall caught my attention. I squinted at it and saw I slept over 24 hours? Damn. I lifted up my bloody shirt and looked under the bandage. I'm gonna have a scar for the rest of my life, how ever long that is...
I decided to try and stand up. What in hell gave me that idea? No clue. I managed to sit myself up, and that was enough to make me out of breath. I pulled the sheets of of me and took a deep breath. My eyes closed as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I was still wearing my ripped jeans and black socks. My orange flannel wasn't on me though. I looked out the window, and saw how huge the land was. The door opened, which startled me.

"You're awake, let me go get everyone." Maggie offered.

"No, don't. I like the quiet." I said stopping her. She nodded. 

"Would you like to take a shower?" She said holding up my backpack. I nodded. She walked over to where my legs were hanging off the bed. She helped me stand. I could stand on my own, but walking is gonna take some getting used to. She lead me to the bathroom. "Be careful around the stitches." She warned as she handed me my bag. I nodded and thanked her before locking the door. 

My reflection was horrific. There were tear stains running down my face, my eyes were pink, and I looked tired. I just slept for 24 hours, hows that possible? I turned the shower to hot, and water started pouring down. I got undressed and walked in. It felt amazing. I shampooed and conditioned my hair. My hair was extremely soft now. I washed my body and was careful around the stitches like Maggie had warned me. When I was done, I just stood there for another minute, enjoying the water. 

I decided I should be done, and turned off the faucet. After wrapping a towel around myself, I cleared the fog from the mirror. I opened my backpack and grabbed a pair of ripped jeans. My mom used to tell me it was weird I only liked ripped jeans. Excuse me for wanting my legs to breathe a little. I grabbed a pair of underwear, and a grey shirt. I decided to put my sports bra I was wearing earlier back on. It wasn't bloody, so why not? I got dressed and dried my hair the best I could. I hate blow dryers, they give my curls an afro. I washed my face and hands before leaving the bathroom. I stumbled a bit, but I figured it out. 

Patricia, who I learned was the wife of my almost killer, offered to wash my clothes. I gave them to her and threw my bag on the bed I had been staying in. I put on a clean pair of socks and tied my shoes. Just guess how painful that was. When I was done, I heard chatter coming from the kitchen. I grabbed a black and white flannel. I don't know what it is, but I feel weird not wearing one. I stumbled into the kitchen and held my self up using the wall.

"How was the shower?" Maggie asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. 

"Amazing. Thanks." I answered. Glenn ran over and engulfed me in a hug.

"You slept through the entire day yesterday." Dale mentioned. 

"My stomach is paying the price. What's for breakfast?" I said. People chuckled. I took a seat between Glenn and Rick as a girl with blonde hair handed me a plate and fork.

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