Our Hearts [A J.Bieber Story] Ch. 14

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:: Justin ::
Times Square.
I watched as people honked at the heavy traffic and as bystanders greeted basically everyone that walked by, including me. My black hood was pulled over my head and a pair of large, black sunglasses disguised my face. I'd just escaped the tour bus for some fresh air. It was tough for me to be here knowing that she was here too...somewhere. I just wanted to get this show over with and head back home. My iPhone began to blast "Serious" by Jasmine which only meant one thing...It was Jasmine. I pulled my phone out my pocket, pressed the green answer button, and stuck it to my ear.

"Y'ello?" I answered.

Jasmine giggled the other end. "Hey, since when do you say 'Y'ello'?"

I smiled to myself, feeling sligtly better already. "I don't know, just slipped out of me.

I imagined her rolling her eyes. "Nice one. Hey baby, you have to get back. Scooter wants us to do a quick rehearsal of our song before the fans start arriving." she told me. "This is going to be the best concert yet. I can feel it, with out song and all."

I faked my excitement. "Can't wait, Jas. I'll be there before you can even hang up. I'll go through Starbucks and buy us some frappuchinos as well."

Jasmine chuckled. "Before I even hang up? That's no possible, Bieb."

I grinned. "Oh yeah? Well let me tell you this, I've got mad skills."

"We'll see about that." she giggled. "Bye Justin."

"See ya, Jas." I hung up and chuckled to myself. Jasmine always put me in a good mood. Now to Starbucks and then to rehearsals. Jasmine and I were going to perform 'Overboard', the song I'd written the last night I spent with her... She never even got to heat it. I never told Jasmine what it was about but she liked it and Usher said it would make a good duet so...now Jasmine and I are going to sing it. Her voice does fit the vocals perfectly. I'm really glad she stepped into my life. She brightens up my day.

:: Lila ::
"Hey, D." I smiled as Darren stepped through my bedroom door. I didn't even know he was coming over today but im glad he did. He was dressed in his usual blue jeans and white tee, but this time there was a tie around his neck which made him look completely handsome. I've never seen him wear a tie, especially not with a plain, white t-shirt.

He grinned. "Like the tie? Just thought I'd throw something fancy on and take you out tonight."

I giggled. "Is that really your idea of fancy?"

"I guess..." he said, looking down and eximining his tie.

I stood up and walked over to him, planting a kiss across his cheek. "It works." I smiled. "You look handsome and your sweetness is just icing on the cake."

"So now you think I'm sweet?" he asked, twirling a piece of my brown hair between his fingers.

I nodded. "I thought I'd already told you." He just shrugged and smiled.

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked him out of curiousity. The look on his face told me that he didn't really know.

"Uh, well I heard there's something going on in Times Square. We could just go walk around the streets, see the sights, eat Fro-Yo..." His face also told me that he'd just planned all this this very second. I couldn't help but giggle.

"D? You're such a late planner, let me tell ya." I grinned. "But I don't care. You mentioned Fro-Yo's and all I can say is let's get the hell outta hear."

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