Chapter 29

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I awakened lost. It takes me a few seconds to realize that I'm in my room in the packhouse. I'm shaken by my nightmare. What that even a dream? It felt so real... Like it was a memory. Oh no! It's Lana's memory!

"How dares he! How dare he touching what is mine!" I scream out loud. I send my bedside lamp on the wall.

I'm shaking out of rage and I can already feel my wolf taking over. We both are out of control and our rage feed us, making the situation worst. Suddenly my parents burst into my room.

"What happened Erza?" Mom asks, worried.

"Ezra calms down." Dad orders but I don't even listen to him anymore. I'm already shifting, riping my pajama in the process. A forced shift is very painful but this time I accept the pain with desire. I need this! I need to feel that pain. It's nothing in comparison to what I just felt in that dream. Before they both can stop me, I run out of my room to Lana's room. With my werewolf strength, I broke her door easily. I'm surprised to find her awake but after such a nightmare it's logical.

"Ezra! What are you doing here?" She asks me surprised.

I've lost my voice, so I'm crying. I jump on the bed and lay down on her side.

"What's wrong?" She asks me and I just huff.

She takes my head in her hands and looks at my eyes: " You had a force shift, don't you? I sigh.

"What happened?" She asks me.

I see images of the nightmare and I start to cry again.

"Hey, everything is okay. I'm here with you! " She whispers before kissing snout.

"Lana, is everything alright?" Asher asks at the door. We growl at him.

"Mate! My mate!" We say. Even if I had a forced shift and my wolf took over, we are one on this case. We are both on the same page so even if I'm not in control, I'm not a simple spectator as I usually am when I have a forced shift.

"Yes, Ash. Everything is fine. You can go back to sleep." she replies.

"Erza broke your door and he's growling at me." He comments.

"I know, he had a forced shift." She replies.

"Then maybe it's better if you stay away!" Asher says making us growl again.

"You're not helping!" Lana tells him.

"He could hurt you. Your safety comes first for me, you know that!" He replies to her.

She sighs, exasperated: " For goddess sake! He is my mate! He will never hurt me!"

"But-" She cuts him.

"Now go away!" She orders him.

Once he has left, she looks at me and says: "I had a nightmare too, you know."

I cry again. "Mate hurt..."

She suddenly becomes rigid with a pure look of horror on her face: " Oh my goddess! You saw my nightmare! I shared it with you."

She tries to get up but I block her.

"How is it possible? How did I do this?" She mutters for herself. I don't think it's her. It's the mate bond. It's getting stronger.

She looks up at me, she is feeling ashamed but she shouldn't. I cry again, so she tells me: "I'm so sorry. You should have never seen that."

"It's not only a nightmare, it's a memory, isn't it?" I ask.

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