Epilogue (2)

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(Her) 5 years later

I would have never believed 7 years ago that my life would have been so perfect! I became a Lycan almost 3 years and a half ago and I was the one Selina turned in first. No way she could sink her teeth in my mate's skin! Like Noah and Aunty Meli, I was able to keep my magic even if my beast side is more prominent than before. For the past years, I built relationships with all my family. It was easier with Jonas and Knox than with my parents but I still have contact with them. Knox became the Alpha of Alpha Will's pack and he's doing a great job. He met his mate, Amalia, 4 years ago and they are expecting their first kid.

The good news is our kid will grow together as Ezra and I are expecting too. It's a little boy and in less than 2 months we will finally see his little face. I can't wait! Jonas has 4 kids: 3 girls and a boy. He's a good Alpha too and we've created a great alliance with him and Knox.

I've reconnected with my father only last year, but we're pretty close. I guess I'm a daddy's little girl. I did a lot of research about my family and what his parents did to him was terrible. I don't know how you can do that to your own blood. He grew abused every day and totally isolated. For a long time, I've wondered why he never asked for help but he was always alone, counting on himself only. Now he's living here and he's getting along better than I've expected. Before that, he traveled around the world and looked for answers. Apparently, he stayed a while with Hope. Hope is something else but I love her. My godmother rocks!

As for my mother, we still have a barrier between us. She is still feeling guilty for what she did to me and I think this is why our relationship is more complicated. I don't even have any resentment against her. It was never her fault at the beginning and when I see how I love Ezra, I understand her. Even if I would like to think I would have acted differently the truth is if my mate's life was in danger I would have done the same. Contrarily to my father, she came to my wedding and she met her true mate there, Emmett. I was not really close to him but Selina has insisted on inviting him. I understood why when he met my mother. She took it badly at the beginning because she loved my father deeply and felt like she was betraying him. After a few months she finally accepted him as her mate and they are both happy. But I still feel sad for my parents. They didn't deserve that.

Anyway today we have special guests who come to visit us. Prince Azul is coming and I might have forgotten to warm Ash that Morgana was coming too, hoping to see him. Mari knows but she wants to let him the surprise. Ashton, their son, is 5 and a half and he's a carbon copy of his father. It's funny how Ash complained about how Mari didn't want to share him with anybody and he's the one who has to share her. She replies that he looks like the most beautiful man she has ever seen, aka him, and cuter as he's a child. Ezra became jealous when he heard that Prince Azul was coming and I don't know why? I mean where did he hear that name? I asked him why he was jealous but he refused to reply.

"Hey, do you know when they will be here?" Mari asks me to join in the kitchen.

"Hey! They shouldn't be long." I reply.

"Did you tell him?" I ask.

"Nope! I can't wait to see his face!" She smirks. Like Logan, she loves to tease and the more they love the more they tease! Poor Ash.

"Hey, Beautiful! They've just crossed the border. They should be here in a few minutes." Ezra says at the kitchen's door.

"Great! Let's wait outside!" I tell him, excited.

"Ash and I will be here a few. That should be fun!" Mari says.

Indeed, less than 5 minutes later, two VUS parked in front of the packhouse. Waiting with us, there are Logan, Angie, Ash, and Mari. As soon as Morgana comes out of the car, she runs towards Ash.

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