Chapter 8

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Logan shifts back and runs toward his crying sister. He is totally obvious to the fact he's naked but I think it's the last of his worries. Ash stays in his wolf's form as we are outside the territory. He starts to go closer to his mate but Mariana looks at him and stops him with a movement of her hand. He just retrieves and comes close to me. I caress his fur in support as he's hurting by another of her rejections. As for Ezra, he is looking at me with a mix of fury and disgust. Oh, I'm so fucked up!

"Ahem, we should go back to the territory." I say awkwardly.

Erza starts to walk towards the pack and we're all following him in silence. Well, the only sound we are hearing is Mariana crying in her brother's arms. At the borders, Alpha Elijah, Luna Charlize, Beta Leo, and his mate Beatriz are waiting for us. Beatriz is a doctor and doesn't do any Beta's duties this why we are not calling her Beta. When she sees us she runs towards her children and checks Mariana for any injuries. Erza is mindlinking his parents and they both look at me. I got closer to Asher for support.

"Let's go speak in my Office. Asher, Lana, you're coming. Leo, you can stay with your family. I will keep you updated." Alpha Elijah says.

"Actually, I would like to know exactly what happened so I'm coming. They are in good hands with Bea." Beta Leo replies.

"I want to come too, Alpha." Logan adds.

Alpha nods: "Once you're clothed you may. Sage is on his way. We will meet him there."

It's only now that Logan realizes he is naked. He hides his sex and blushes. In others circumstances, I would have laughed.

Ash and I are in the waiting room nearby the Alpha's office. I'm so stressed. I have no idea how deep in trouble I am and that terrifies me. Worst what will happen to Ash?

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble." I end the silence taking his hand.

"Don't be. I could have told them what you were it was my choice not to. Why did you do it? I mean you knew what was going to happen."

"Because it was the right thing to do."

"Still she is really mean with you. Flirting with rogues was her fault. She kind of asked for it." He says.

"So what? That doesn't mean they have the right to treat her like that. They would have killed her. She has a loving family who would have been devastated. To be honest, I did it mainly for you. Her death would have destroyed you. I don't want to see you becoming the shadow of yourself like Tom when we met him."

He sighs: "I just hope it will worth the troubles."

"She is your mate, of course, it will."

Someone clears her throw. It's Luna Charlize.

" Follow me, please." She orders us.

"Lana, why you didn't tell us that you're a witch too." Alpha Elijah asks me.

Before I can answer, Erza scoffs: "If she is a werewolf she can't even shift!"

"Erza!" Luna Charlize reprimands him.

"I'm sorry Alpha. Aunt Jane told me hybrids like me with no protection are hunted. I almost die because of what I am when I was five."

"Did you ever use spells on my pack or on one of the pack members?" He asks again.

"Only protection spells, Alpha." I reply looking at him like that he can feel I'm telling the truth.

Ezra laughs: "What you think we are not powerful enough to protect ourselves, witch?!" His voices held so much disgust when he said the words "witch".

"Not at all. It's just my way to make my part for the pack."

"And you want us to believe that when you're lying for so long?" Ezra says with anger.

"Wait it's you! You are the one who is hiding my mate from me!" He adds his eyes switching colors. Oh, craps!

"What would I have done that?"

"I don't know to make my life a living hell!"

"What would be the point of that Erza?" I reply pitching my nose, annoyed by his absurdity.

"It's Alpha too you, Lana!"

"Sorry, Alpha!" I reply with venom and that makes him growl and I flinch.

"We will have to investigate you to evaluate the damages you caused to the pack. Until now, you can't leave the pack nor use your magic. To make sure you will wear a bracelet with a mix of wolfbane and aconitum napellus. You would also stay here in the pack house where someone can watch you 24/7."

Aconitum napellus is toxic for witches like me, it will weakening me as the wolfbane is for my werewolf's side. Gosh, this will be painful!

Erza turns towards Asher:" I will not ask you if you knew because you obviously did. How long did you know what she is?"

"Years." Ash replies.

"Asher! How could you?! I'm so disappointed by you both!" Sage says, making Asher looking at his feet in shame.

"Why? We're friends! Did she force you to keep the secret? It's the only logical explanation." Ezra asks, he is so furious.

Please Ash lies, this will cost you too much. I beg in my head.

"No, she didn't. I chose to keep her secret to protect her." Ash replies with honesty.

"I can't trust you, not anymore. And in my Gamma, I need to have a blind trust. Therefore, Clint will become my Gamma instead of you." Ezra says.

Asher gulps and clenches his jaw: " It's your choice Alpha. If you think it's the best for you and your pack."

"You are both dismissed. Lana someone will bring the bracelet later."

"Alpha, I know I'm not in a position to ask anything but I'm begging you to keep what I'm secret. Please." I ask directly to Alpha Elijah. Ezra is too furious, he will refuse everything I ask.

When he is about to protest, Luna Charlize replies: "We will think about Lana."

"Thank you!"

"Someone will show your room, Lana."
I'm alone in my room in the pack's house. I can't believe I will be living here for the next few days... Weeks? Not too long hopefully. Sage left with Asher, he wanted to speak with him. We didn't have time to speak. Gosh, I wish I could be here for him. I know how the Gamma's position was important for him... Someone knocks at the door. Great! I will receive the torture device now. When I open the door, I'm surprised to see Logan. I let him pass in my room and gave him my arm like that he can lock around my wrist the bracelet. I'm not on a moon to speak. I don't want to give another explanation. I can feel his eyes on my face but I just ignore it.

"Look at me, Lana." He says once he has finished. When I don't do it, he puts his hand under my chin and forces me to look at him.

"Beta, What can I do?" I ask him avoiding eye contact. I know it's childish but after facing Ezra's fury, I'm not ready for round 2.

"Logan, just Logan. You save my sister's life today. You did it knowing what it could cost you. I just want you to know how grateful and thankful, my family, and I are. I own you Lana and will not forget that."

He kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

Five minutes later, someone is knocking at my door. When I open the door, I find a red eyes' Ash. I hug him and tell him how sorry I am. His life would have been so simple if we have never met.

"Hey, are you looking for a roommate?" He asks me, after a moment.

"Only if it's you. But I have only a queen size bed so we will have to share."

"I have no problem with that."

"Me neither."

"It's us against the world?"

I sigh: " More than never."

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