The truth (2)

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(Another her - Hope's memories)

And we broke our sister's bond a few years later. A few days after your birth Olivia and Knox.

I'm playing with Dan and Enzo when I suddenly feel a deep pain. I feel so betrayed! Why?

"Phoebe!" I whisper.

I look at Enzo.

"Go! I'm taking care of him." He tells me.

"Thank you!" I reply.

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Phoebe is crying in her room, in the dark.

"Phoebe, what's wrong?" I ask her, kneeling in front of her.

She turns her face to look away.

"Please!" I whisper.

"She's so beautiful! She's just perfect! How can I not love her?" She whispers back.

"She's born! Can I see her?" I ask her.

"She's sleeping with her twin brother."

"What's her name."

"Olivia, Sarah... He has chosen her second name. He will ruin her life...." She replies.

Alpha William ...

"I could kill him if you ask me. You know that."

"I swear on my blood to protect him. What I didn't know at that time was I was pregnant with Jonas. If something happens to him now not only I will die but Jonas could too." She explains, looking at me for the first time.

I gasp seeing her face: "Who did this to you?"

"It's nothing!" She sighs.

"All your cheek is purple! And you have a black eye! This is not nothing."

"Please, Hope. Stay out of this!" She begs.

"It's Bill! How dare he!"

I get up and start to hunt him down. He's not in the house but I have time, I will wait for him!

When he finally shows up, I launch at him but I'm stopped by a shield! Phoebe!

"How dare you touch her! She did nothing but love you!" I yell at him.

"You have no idea how she ruined my life! She can't get attached to that girl and it's all her fault. She needs to kn0w her place before doing something stupid again!" He replies aggressively.

If only I could tell him that I know.

"I don't care about your reasons. Next time you dare touch her, I'm going to kill you!"

He doesn't reply, just look on my back at Phoebe.

"Broke your sister bond with her or we're over." He tells her.

"What?!" She asks, shocked.

"You heard me. It's me or her." He repeats.

"Do it, Phoebe. We both know you will always choose him." I tell her.

"But I will not be happy!" She protests.

"You should have to think about that before destroying our life. I don't want her in my business so broke the fucking bond now!" He says.

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When I'm back Dan is sleeping on Enzo's lap.

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