Chapter 59

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Annjelica melted into DaggerDarkStar’s arms whenever he held her and slowly she became accustomed to the daily injections she received from him. He told her it was the medication she needed after her serious illness.

After every injection DaggerDarkStar held her close until the trembling stopped and the ice cold sensation that ran through her veins no longer made her shiver uncontrollably. She would slip into a semi-conscious state during this time and that is when he would gently sink his fangs into her neck feeding off her. He would never get enough of her. Her blood was like a drug to him and filled him with an incredible sense of power. He felt as if every ounce of power she once possessed now belonged to him. He longed to take her body and fill her womb with his seed. He would mark her as his mate and no one human; vampire or Lycan would ever be able to take her from him.

Annjelica spaced out after every injection but when she came too she was cradled in her husband’s arms. He held her close running his fingers through her hair and kissing her forehead. When her eyelids fluttered open his concerned look touched her heart. Although she could not remember marrying him or ever loving him she thought that with time she would love him. He had promised not to rush her and had not tried to make love to her saying he would wait till after they were married again. She appreciated his patience and understanding.

It was on one such day that she was feeling strong enough to get up and go for a walk. DaggerDarkStar held her round her waist as she took her first few steps around the room.

“I really do feel strong enough to go out and get some fresh air now.”

“Aspen my love are you sure you want to? It’s your first day up in weeks. Maybe you should just walk around the room till you get your strength back.”

“I am feeling so much better now. Please can we just walk outside for a little while, please?”

“Well, only if you promise the moment you feel unwell, you will come back to bed immediately?”

“I promise.” Annjelica said smiling.

Supporting her with his arm around her waist they walked slowly towards the door. DaggerDarkStar turned the handle and pulled the door open. Annjelica gasped as she took in the amazing garden right outside her bedroom door. An impressive courtyard stretched out in front of her. Perfectly manicured lawns with beautiful roses, lined the paved walkways. A fountain splashed and gurgled in the middle of the lawn and as they walked along DaggerDarkStar slowly guided her towards a swing seat beside a waterfall. Wind chimes tinkled in the distance. It was all just so perfect she felt emotional and a tear slipped down her cheek.

DaggerDarkStar caught her tear on his finger and pressed it to his lips. “I hope that is a happy tear my love?” He asked lifting her chin to look into her eyes.

She smiled.

He took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly. She returned his kiss and it felt right.

“Dagger, I …”

“What is it my love?”

“I was just wondering if… well… when we would be getting married and if it would be possible to get married in this garden?”

“Are you in a hurry to get married Aspen?”

“Well… no, but I would like to organize and plan it, seeing as I don’t remember my first wedding day… or marrying you.” She blushed.

“Ohh Aspen, my love, you look so pure and innocent when your cheeks blush so pink.”

She cupped her cheeks with her hands and felt how hot they were which made her blush even more.

“I promise you as soon as you are strong enough to walk down the aisle without me to hold onto we will get married again. In the meantime of course you can plan your wedding day.”

“Thank you.” She smiled and hugged him. “I need to go shopping for a wedding dress.”

“Would you not be happy wearing the same dress you wore the first time we got married?” DaggerDarkStar asked her.

“Could I see it first please?”

“Of course you can and if you really want another dress I will have catalogues brought to you immediately so you can choose a design and then I’ll have the dressmakers come in to take your measurements and make up your dress.”

“Thank you, thank you for doing all this for me a second time.”

“Anything to make you happy, Aspen.”

While Annjelica slept DaggerDarkStar set about creating an underground castle filled with everything he had stolen from the world above. Marbled pillars supported ceilings painted with stunning sunrises of pinks and golds and sunsets in shimmering oranges and yellows. Crystal chandeliers hung from every ceiling. Paintings in heavy gold frames lined the walls. Heavy velvet curtains covered windows that looked out onto courtyard gardens he’d had built surrounding his fortress. He fashioned a ballroom fit for a queen with marble floors and velvet lined walls in a deep rich red. Tall free standing arrangements of roses were placed around the room. Ornate gold candle holders lined the walls. A scattering of tables and chairs where placed near the back of the ballroom for his guests and a red carpet the full length of the room was laid down, on which Annjelica would walk up to meet him, dressed in her wedding gown and take his hand in marriage. This would be the room in which he would marry Annjelica.

Although there was no sky to be seen in his underground fortress, he had used his powers to force Moraine to create the illusion of the sky during the day and nights. He made sure the changes would occur continuously and automatically. He took this spell from her and locked it in place so she would not be able to retrieve it.

He had been planning all this for some time now but it was to be for Alexandria when he captured her. When Annjelica dropped in to his domain he seized the opportunity, even though it happened far earlier than he had anticipated. ‘A bird in the hand was worth two in the bush’ and having Annjelica appear unexpectedly his radar had zoned in on her arrival in London. He had bided his time till he could overpower her and claim his revenge.

But her beauty and the sweet nectar of her blood had triggered other emotions and feelings inside his black heart and instead of her being his Blood Doll and love slave, he now wanted to possess her mind, body and soul and more importantly her heart. He needed her to fall in love with him so her memories of the past would be wiped from her mind and heart forever more. He needed her to have as many of his children as she could possibly have. He intended to now breed a new race of powerful hybrids like her that possessed the gifts of all the elements of the earth and make him the most powerful ruler of the dark side and all black magic.

Soon Annjelica would be his and he would only return to show the family he now had the upper hand when she had already given birth to one child and carried another in her womb. She would bare the mark of his dark side blazoned across her back and no man would dare to try and take her from him. He laughed when he thought of Lyell, her past human love that she no longer remembered.

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