Chapter 63

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 When Vampuric walked into the hotel room, Alexandria was already up and pacing, waiting for his return.

“Vamp, did you find anything at all?”

Vamp shook his head. “Sorry Alex, but please don’t worry, we will find her.”

“Vamp, you’re back.” Wolfe said, greeting him with a smile.

Wolfe put his arm around Alexandria. “Alex, it’s our turn now. We will go out and look for her.”

“I’ll just grab my coat and then we can go. Vamp has had no luck as yet.”

Wolfe could hear the disappointment in his wife’s voice and was surprised when Vampuric pulled him aside.

“Diago is here in London. I picked up his scent.” He spoke softly so Alex wouldn’t hear him.

Wolfe frowned. “Annjelica?” He asked watching Vampuric’s face for any sign of good or bad news.

“No, I couldn’t pick up anything from her.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Alex asked as she buttoned up her coat.

“Man talk.” Vamp said winking at her.

“When you two get together you are impossible. Let’s go Wolfe. I want to find our daughter today.” Alex grabbed his arm and headed for the door.

Vampuric waited half an hour after they left and headed back down to the underground. He had picked up Diago’s scent near the tube stations then lost it again. If Diago was in the city and he had found Annjelica … he didn’t even want to think of the consequences. His thoughts were interrupted when he picked up a new scent. He stopped as it got stronger and stood motionless and closed his eyes. Using his powerful sense of smell he breathed in deeply. There was blood mixed with this familiar smell, fresh human blood. Guided by his nose he turned a corner and found Lyell lying in a heap on the floor behind rubbish bins. He looked more dead than alive.

Kneeling beside him Vamp checked to see if he was still breathing. As he touched his face Lyell’s eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurred and he couldn’t recognize Vampuric and tried to pull away.

“Lyell it’s me, Vampuric. It’s okay, you’re safe now.”

Vampuric looked around and couldn’t see anyone nearby but the sound of running feet and voices indicated the underground was bustling with the early morning crowd rushing off to work.

“Damn Lyell, what on earth happened to you?”

“Annjelica…” Was the only word Lyell said before passing out again.

“Dammit Lyell, wake up. What about Annjelica.”

But Lyell was out cold.

Vampuric reached out to Wolfe telepathically. ‘I have found Lyell. He’s in a bad way. Beaten up. He’s seen Annjelica, I think. Passed out before I could get anything out of him.’

‘Where are you?’ Wolfe asked, trying hard to hide his anxiety from his wife.

Alexandria stopped in her tracks and turned round to face her husband. “Wolfe what’s wrong?”

Wolfe was so busy communicating with Vampuric he didn’t notice she’d stopped until he bumped into her. “Sorry darling.”

“What is it? Can you sense Annjelica?” She asked, staring up at her husband.

“No, sorry Alex, but Vamp has found Lyell. Apparently he’s badly hurt and unconscious.”

“We must go to him at once. Maybe he knows where Annjelica is.” Alexandria started walking and stopped suddenly. “Which way?”

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