Chapter 43

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Lyell spent every waking moment at the hospital with his mother, only leaving at night to take a shower and a bite to eat. While she seemed to hang onto the edge of life, he slept in the armchair beside her bed.

As the days turned into weeks Lyell found himself falling into a hospital routine, spending all day with his mother and only returning home at night. Four weeks later his mother was strong enough to leave the hospital in a wheel chair. Her stroke had sadly paralyzed her left side leaving her with only slight movement in her hand and fingers. Lyell did not feel comfortable returning his mother to the nursing home and employed a full time nurse to take care of all her needs at home.

Two months after his mother’s stroke he was finally able to think about Annjelica and how desperately he was missing her and needed to get in touch with her as soon as possible. After arranging for his mother to have 24/7 nursing care and his friends offering to check on her daily, he packed and returned to the cottage promising his mother he would be back in a weeks’ time.

Lyell arrived at the cottage just as the sun was setting and found his patio floor covered with dead yellow roses. His heart sank. What could she possibly be thinking now? He’d left without so much as a goodbye. His first instinct was to swim across to the rocky outcrop and dropping his cases inside the cottage he quickly changed into his swimming costume and raced down to the Lake. Without stopping he swam across to the rocks and the sight of more dead yellow roses made him feel week at the knees. A dull ache formed in the pit of his stomach and quickly overwhelmed him. Without realizing it he let out a cry that echoed like a wolf’s saddened howl across the mountain. A dark emptiness surrounded him and he plunged into the water and swam across the Lake faster than he’d ever swum before.

The empty dark feeling Lyell experienced grew darker and heavier as he stood amongst the wild roses, now all cut down and burnt to the ground. Every part of him ached with longing for Annjelica and a fear that she had left him. The thought that she may now have found someone new thinking he’d deserted her crushed him to the point he felt as if he was suffocating. Tearing himself away from the destroyed roses he ran as fast as his legs would allow him towards the castle. Even if she was with someone new, he still needed, still wanted to explain his unexpected absence. She just had to listen; she had to believe he didn’t just turn his back on her.

Arriving at the castle gates he was startled to find they just swung open as he approached and even more surprised to find Alexandria standing on the castle steps waiting for him. As he climbed the steps to her, he saw tears falling down her cheeks.

Alexandria stopped in her tracks hearing the pitiful cry. She knew instinctively Lyell was coming and waited patiently for him on the steps outside the castle door. She felt his presence long before she saw him and as he came into view she opened the gates.

“Lyell.” Alex was lost for words.

“Annjelica ….. Is she here?” He asked.

“She went looking for you every day and then one day she just never came home.”

“Where did she go? How long ago?” Lyell asked, feeling the panic rising up inside him.

“I don’t know Lyell. Since she gained her powers I can only read her thoughts when she allows me to.”

“Did she say nothing before she left?”

“Just that she was going to find you and wouldn’t rest until she knew why you left without saying goodbye.”

“I have a very good reason Alexandria?" 

“And what might that reason be?” Wolfe asked as he suddenly appeared in the doorway.

“My mother had a stroke and was rushed into hospital. My friend came to fetch me. He said she was calling for me. I rushed home without thinking of anything else but my Mother.” Lyell looked from Wolfe to Alexandria waiting for them to say something, but they said nothing.

Alex looked at Wolfe and nodded. ‘He speaks the truth Wolfe.’ 

“Why didn’t you contact Annjelica sooner, Lyell? Surely there must have been a moment when it was safe for you to do so.”

“We’d never exchanged contact details. I know it’s a stupid excuse but it’s true. I always intended to come back for Annjelica as soon as my Mother was well enough to be left, but sadly she is paralyzed and in a wheel chair now.” Lyell explained.

“But you’re here now?” Wolfe asked.

“I’ve organized twenty hour nursing care for her seven days a week till I get back and my friends will check on her daily.” Lyell replied.

“Did Annjelica know where you lived or worked, Lyell?” Alexandria asked.

“No, sorry I don’t think she did. We never spoke about my work or where I lived.”

“How on earth is she ever going to find you then? Where would she even start?” Wolfe asked feeling exasperated.

“I don’t know Wolfe, but I won’t stop searching for her myself till I find her and bring her home to you.”

“We believe you Lyell.” Alex said giving him a warm smile.

“I love her with all my heart and I’ll never do anything to hurt her. I promise I’ll find her and bring her back home, or die trying.” Lyell said with conviction.

Lyell had no idea where or how he would start searching for Annjelica, but he just knew he had to find her and explain why he’d left the way he had. He never intended to hurt her. He loved her, wanted her, needed her and he wouldn’t stop looking till her found her, no matter how long it took.

When he returned to the cottage he quickly tossed all the dead roses into the garden waste bin and called the housekeeper. She arrived bright and early the next morning and listened intently to his request. Lyell left her with sufficient money to carry out his daily request and promised he’d send more with a friend if needed at a later date, while he returned to London to search for Annjelica.

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