Chapter 62

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Annjelica was overwhelmed by her husband’s kindness and love as preparations were put in place for her wedding in a week’s time. She watched in awe as the ballroom was transformed into a room only seen in dreams. The deep red of the walls reflected into the gold and crystal that adorned the tables. Each table was dressed with a gold satin table cloth and crystal glasses. The cutlery had crystal handles and each spoon, knife and fork were gold. The crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceilings looked so heavy she wondered how they didn’t fall down. Tall glass vases stood around the room waiting to be filled with fresh flowers. She felt as if she were walking into some enchanted room. It looked magical and all this was for her.

It was the wedding altar that concerned her, definitely not something you’d expect to find in any wedding ceremony. High on a platform stood a granite slab. It was the size of a single bed, on a finely chiseled pedestal, the width of two people. This remained stark and bare, with no covering or cloth to match the rest of the room. Behind this slab were two ornate chairs, padded in red velvet. The sort of chairs you’d expect to see a King and Queen sitting on. This arrangement confused Annjelica and she decided to ask DaggerDarkStar about them when he returned from his meeting.

She was still standing in front of the granite slab, running her hand along its cool surface when she felt his arms circle around her waist. His hand moved her hair to the side as his cool lips pressed softly against her neck. As his teeth grazed against her skin she felt an urgency in him that she’d come to accept and love. She knew he was patiently waiting for their wedding night to consummate their marriage. But he never let her forget how desperately he wanted her.

“My love, are you happy with all you see? Is the ballroom to your satisfaction for our wedding day?”

She turned to face him and he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. She could feel the urgency in his body as he held her close she felt a little nervous. She hoped that after such a long wait he would still be gentle with her.

As if he’d read her thoughts he said, “Aspen, you’re not frightened of me are you?”

She shook her head and smiled into his eyes.

“What is troubling you my love?”

“Our…well… it’s just that you’ve been so patient…for so long… our wedding night…”

He placed a finger on her lips. “Do you trust me?”

“I do.”

“With your whole heart, mind and body?” He asked, looking deep into her eyes. They had never looked so dark before.

She hesitated before answering. “Yes, I do.”

DaggerDarkStar immediately picked up on her hesitation and thought it might be time for a top up of the potion. Maybe she needed to sleep for a couple of days till nearer the wedding day. Once they had exchanged vows and he had fed from her and she in turn had drunk his blood, she would be all his completely and without reservation.

A fleeting glimpse crossed his mind as he saw himself taking her and filling her body with his seed here on this granite bed witnessed by the warlocks and warlords of the dark side. Moraine and Arianna would be seated in the chairs behind to witness this event, but they would be paralyzed and unable to speak or react.

He would take his bride with such passion while drinking her sweet nectar several times during this act of consummation. He hoped her fangs would show as they had done at the council elders meeting in her father’s castle. He wanted her to feed from him, to drink his blood willingly to finally complete this raw emotional sexual moment. To lose themselves in each other not caring for the eyes that witnessed this unbelievable moment. This moment when he took into him, all the powers of the earthly elements. The moment, when he turned the long awaited prophecy, this unique being into a vessel for his seed.

Annjelica stared up at the man towering above her. There was something about him she could not quite put her finger on and she visibly shivered in his arms.

“Aspen, you don’t look well. All this has been too much for you my love.” DaggerDarkStar held her firmly round her waist as he waved his hand over the scene of activity going on in the ballroom. “Come my love; let me take you to your bed. You need to rest. I don’t want you too ill to get married again.”

“I… I’m fine…just…”

DaggerDarkStar instantly felt her unease and without hesitation he placed his thumb into the side of her neck and pressed firmly. She slumped sideways, unconscious. DaggerDarkStar lifted her into his arms and carried her to her room. While she slept he inserted the needle into her vein and let the drug seep slowly into her body.

He kissed her mouth letting his tongue slide over her lips. “Sleep well Annjelica my bride. I will wake you again the day before we marry.” He kissed her eyes and before leaving the room he made sure the hidden cameras were working.

DaggerDarkStar pulled the heavy door closed behind him and turned the key. Hanging the key around his neck he touched the closed door and said, “I will not let you slip through my fingers Annjelica. I lost your mother; I won’t be so careless again. You are mine now, all mine and there is nothing anyone can do about it.”

A smug smile creased his lips as he thought of their wedding day and his desire grew like burning coals inside his body, fanning the flames of his planned seduction of Annjelica’s body. He had missed this opportunity with Alexandria and he would not let anything stand in his way of claiming her daughter. 

A/N : apologies for slow updates. I am studying 5 courses that have to be completed and passed by March. I will update as often as I can and hope to finish this story by the end of February. Approximately 10 chapters left. Thanks for all your support and votes.

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