Chapter 50

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 Annjelica found her way into London city and she’d no sooner walked through the city center when she felt a strange vibration run through her. A feeling she’d never experienced before distracted her from the hustle and bustle of the people rushing home from work. She found herself being drawn down to the Knightsbridge tube station. So intrigued by the strange sensation that drew her in the direction of the tube station, she never noticed the elegantly decorated windows of Harrods as she hurried past them.

‘Lyell is that you?’ She sent out her telepathic thoughts hoping Lyell would somehow respond and guide her back into his arms.

Annjelica stood on the platform waiting for the train, unsure what train she should take or where she should be going. Something had lured her down here.

‘I’ll just stand and wait here till something tells me which train to get on. Lyell if you can hear or feel my presence please try and tell me which train …..’

Annjelica’s thoughts were interrupted by the rush of people pushing past her to board the train as it stopped. The train pulled off leaving her standing alone on the platform. A strange wind swept down the tunnel and made her shiver.

Without warning her legs gave way under her, her arms felt numb and when she tried to call out for help her voice seemed to get stuck in her throat.  Her mind was going blank and she was unable to comprehend what was happening or where she was.

When Annjelica opened her eyes it was darker than darkest night she could ever remember. She couldn’t see her hand in front of her face. The room felt hot and humid. The darkness hung heavily around her and she felt as if she was suffocating. Gasping for air she blinked trying desperately to see where she was, but she couldn’t see anything. She tried desperately to call on her lightning powers to illuminate the room. When nothing happened she wondered if perhaps she was dead and this was where those who weren’t human ended up when they died.

She felt hot tears running down her cheeks and wiping her hand across her cheek she tasted the tears. ‘If I was dead ... surely I would not cry ... my tears would not taste salty.’ Slowly her thoughts became clearer, ‘I must be alive.’ Instinctively she pinched herself. ‘I’m not dead. It hurt.’

Gathering all her strength and courage she called out, “Hello, is anyone there?” Her voice echoed around her. “Where am I? Is anyone there?” Her voice echoed back at her, sounding hollow and empty. She heard a tremor in the echo this time.

‘No! No! No! I will not let myself feel fear. I have powers and as soon as I feel ….’ Her thoughts stopped in mid-sentence.

‘As soon as you feel what, my dark beauty?’ A telepathic thought as deep and dark as the place she was in filled her mind.

‘Who are you? Where am I?’

‘You are safe now my dark angel.’

‘I don’t understand, safe from what and why do you keep calling me dark?’

Annjelica felt hot breath against the side of her neck. A terrible stinging sensation followed and when she tried to push away what was causing the pain in her neck she couldn’t move. Her body was paralyzed. Her head reeled with the pain the sting inflicted.

“Aahhh …… my dark angel. You taste of nectar of all that is good and evil.”

Annjelica tried desperately to move. Her head willed her body to move, but her body refused to obey. She was powerless. Her head throbbed. The pain was blinding.

“I see you’re in pain. Relax and I will take your pain away. You are in my care now and no one will ever come between us.”

Annjelica found herself staring into blood red eyes that glowed. She cringed, trying to sink lower into whatever she was lying on, but the cold slab under her failed to give way.

“Fear not my dark angel, no one will ever take you away from me again.”

“Why can’t I move? What’s happened to me? Why does my head want to split open? What did you do to me?”

“Such venom in your voice Annjelica, when I am your savior. Wondering around the streets of London on your own.”

“Who are you? What do you want with me?”

“Who is Lyell?”

“What business is it of yours?”

“It matters not who he is. You are with me now.”

His flaming red eyes peered deep into hers, “Relax Annjelica. Let me take away your pain first. Then you need to rest. We have a lifetime together to answer questions.”

“What? What are you talking about? I need to find Lyell and go home.”

Annjelica exhaled sharply as the needle pierced her vein. A feeling colder than she had ever experienced before ran up her arm. The biting cold stinging her arm as the syringe emptied into her vein caused her to cry out in pain.

“Relax Annjelica. Accept what you cannot change and it will get easier.”

Annjelica felt herself spiraling upwards only to feel herself falling into an abyss of blackness again. “Please.” She whispered, “I must find Lyell …. Love him … must go home.”

“Sleep my dark angel. You are home now and in time you will forget Lyell and love only me.”

‘Who are you?’ Was the last thought Annjelica had before she slipped into unconsciousness.

‘My followers call me DaggerDarkStar. I am their Master and provider. They bend to my rules and I keep them safe.’

He bent down and licked the wound on her neck he had made earlier. ‘You taste divine my dark beauty and you’ll always be mine now.’

Before locking the door on his way out he stopped and said, “You are no match for me now Annjelica.” He laughed as he bolted the door, “You’ll never threaten me again. Now you’ll sit at my feet and adore me.”

Walking down the hallway he filled her mind with his thoughts, ‘you will never remember who you are, your past will be forgotten and so too will your family.’ He stopped waiting to hear if she would respond and smiled when she didn’t.

“Master, is the blood to your satisfaction?” The witches apprentice asked.

“It’s too early to tell yet? When I am completely satisfied you will be paid.”

“Master, may I ask why it is only witches’ blood that can control her?”

He spun round and struck her across her face. “Never question my actions again or next time it will be your blood I will take.”

The girl fell to her knees and with head bowed responded, “Yes Master.”

Dante turned on his heel and shouted as he left the room, “Go now and bring me more blood, lots more blood. Breathe a word to anyone and I’ll put you to sleep and drain every drop of your blood from you.”

She stood up and backed out of the room not daring to turn her back on him.

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