Chapter 67

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 Alexandria stood at the entrance of Knightsbridge tube station and used her heightened senses to scan the surroundings trying to find a pub that would look ominous. She needed to find a pub that would alert her vampire senses instilled in her when Vampuric had given his blood to save her life not once, but twice.

She wondered around for over an hour passing the pubs nearby, but none called out to her instincts. Without noticing time or distance she soon found herself walking through Belgravia Square and was drawn to Grenadier Pub. Originally built in 1720 and said to be one of the most haunted pubs. The brilliant red door against the white and blue of the building caught her eye and as she approached her stomach did a somersault.

Was this the pub entrance that Lyell had been talking about? Was this where she would find her daughter? Her heart raced as she opened the door and the first thing that caught her eye was all the different types of money stuck on the ceiling. The bar tender caught her staring up at the ceiling and smiled.

“It’s to do with the haunting. Patrons were trying to pay off the murdered victim’s debt.”

“Ohh and have they?” She asked confused.

“No, it doesn’t seem so, as we are still haunted by his presence.”

Alexandria felt uneasy. Something about this pub did not feel right. Why would Annjelica come here?

“I was wondering if you have seen a young girl with long, dark hair. She looks a little like me.”

The barman studied her face and frowned. Running his fingers through his hair he said, “Sorry, no I have not had the pleasure of seeing such a pretty woman in my pub recently.”

Alexandria smiled and then thought maybe she’d try Lyell’s description. “Have you seen a young man in his thirties, sandy colored hair?” She thought for a moment. “He is quite tall, over six feet, well built. His name is Lyell.”

The barman looked at her and frowned. She now had his full attention. “Excuse my curiosity, but has this Lyell run off with your daughter and you’re now trying to find them.”

Alexandria did not expect his question and was lost for an answer at that moment. The barman took her silence as a yes, to his question. Seeing the anxiety in her facial expression and the way she nervously twisted the ring on her finger, he tried to visualize the man she had described.

Her next words even surprised her. “Maybe he was with another man or two perhaps, bigger than him.”

“You mean like body guard types?” The barman asked.

“Yes, possibly.” Alexandria replied, hopefully.

“Well there was a guy in here just a couple days ago similar to what you described. He was being escorted out by two men who looked like body builders and dressed in black leathers. The one guy was bald and his head, face and neck were covered in tattoos. That’s what caught my attention.”

“Do you know where they took him? Where they came from? Have you seen them again?”

“Hey lady, slow down. One question at a time.” He said taking his apron off and coming round the bar counter towards her.

“I never saw them come in, must’ve arrived before my shift. I didn’t see where they went to and no I haven’t seen them again, but they did come up from the basement.”

“Basement?” Annjelica followed his eyes to the curtain far left of the bar counter.

“If you promise not to say I told you, it’s where invited guests come to play cards, if you know what I mean.” He said winking at her. “Big money changes hands.”

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