Chapter 13

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Dnate was at the Castle gate when Wolfe rushed past him carrying Alexandria, pale and at death’s doorway. Wolfe’s thoughts crashed into Dnate’s mind like a flash flood ripping through the forest. In a heartbeat his cry for help echoed through everyone in every corner of the Castle. His mother and father were at his side in an instant.

Holding Alexandria close to his chest, willing her to live, he looked into his Mother’s eyes and answered her question out loud, “ Yes” and in that moment his family knew this pale human being had imprinted onto his heart.

There was now no question, her life had to be saved, no matter the consequences. Monica’s thoughts were registered immediately by all; Alexandria had to be taken to Vampuric’s family. Without further hesitation or thought, the family took off, running like the wind across the miles to reach the immortal, life giving family, the only ones who could give Alexandria back her life.

As they approached the gate to the Colester’s Mansion, the family was standing on the steps, sensing their approach. Cedric Colester stepped forward apprehensively, his son Vampuric just a step behind him.

Lucas Anderson greeted him cautiously, “We need your help desperately, please.” Wolfe stepped forward holding Alexandria in his arms. 

Vampuric and Wolfe had a telepathic connection, having spent their youth chasing each other in stealthy hunting games in the forests between their family’s territories, unbeknown to their respective parents, until many years later.  Because of this strange friendship of their sons the families had tolerated each other from a distance, respecting each other’s space.  Never once in all this time had they ever crossed this boundary until now. 

Wolfe stepped forward, looking across at Vampuric. He moved silently towards Wolfe and took Alexandria from his arms. He motioned towards Wolfe to follow him as he took Alexandria up the stairs and into the house. In the front reception room he placed her gently on the chaise. As he lifted her dark, blood soaked curls from her face, her eyes fluttered open and through the mists of death she saw Wolfe’s eyes looking deep into hers, begging her to trust him.  Her eyes glazed over as she drew her last human breath and slowly slipped into a cold darkness, becoming colder the deeper she sank.

Vampuric looked up at Wolfe, “Bring her back for me and I will owe you my life.” 

Without a moment’s hesitation, Vampuric bared his fangs and pierced his wrist, parting Alexandria’s lips he allowed the blood to drip into her mouth.  Forcing her teeth apart he placed his bleeding wrist over her mouth, squeezing the blood onto her tongue.

The Anderson family, standing behind Wolfe, the Colester family behind their son, watched, waiting patiently, silently, for the outcome.  Both families were unsure if Vampuric’s method would bring her back. As for reasons only known to him, he had chosen to let her drink, rather than the traditional bite to turn and make her immortal like them.

While the life giving blood dripped from his wrist, the same thought echoed through everyone. How would she react when she awoke and would she be able to accept her new life and more importantly, could she now live among a family of hot blooded wolves when she was now a cold blooded immortal creature?

For this very reason, Vampuric had chosen to let her drink just enough of his blood to give her back life.  The wounds in her neck were already healed from the saliva and constant licking Wolfe did to stop her bleeding.  His saliva had mixed with her blood and already multiplied through her human cells, giving her qualities of her now, hot blooded mate. Something she would only discover if and when she awoke.

Vampuric, having this strange telepathic connection and friendship with Wolfe, could already sense this strange sensation in Alexandria the moment he held her and had chosen this method to bring her back to life. He did this for Wolfe, his friend, a strange and unbelievable friendship, which neither family could understand.  But this unimaginable friendship helped the two species to live in harmony when they occasionally crossed into each other’s territory.

After what seemed like an eternity, Vampuric took his wrist away from her mouth. His blood, deep crimson, coloured her parted lips. Wolfe took his place by her side, gently holding her hand, stroking her cheek and playing with her jet black curls.  He looked at Vampuric, his eyes and soundless words thanking him and promising to be there for him whenever he needed him.  If she survived, he would never be able to repay him for his gift.  Vampuric nodded and squeezed his shoulder.

Cedric turned and addressed the families, “We don’t know how she will react when she wakes, or how long she will take to recover, but I do think we got to her without a moment to spare.”

“We will stay and watch and wait, we need to be ready for any reaction she may have,” Wolfe’s mother, Layla, responded.

“Yes,” Cedric replied, “We will all wait together, as I sense this pale, beauty has in some way united our families.”

Monica lent over the chaise and touched Alexandria’s cheek. She felt her brother’s overwhelming love for this human creature and she promised in that instant that she would protect her with her life and do everything possible to help her adjust to her new life.  Knowing full well this was going to be extremely hard for her, having a part of each species burning within her human body.  No one knew at this time which part would be the dominant.

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