Chapter 4

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On her vigil outside his bedroom window, while he slept, she had noticed the rose wilting.  He had not closed the blinds since he had put the rose there, and she was thrilled that he had acknowledged her gift.  They had made a connection, no matter how subtle. It was there.  He had felt her presence, now she needed to move carefully. This unfamiliar connection was treading dark, deep waters. A place she knew would be his ultimate end.  But she knew he was the one. He had touched her ice cold heart. It was too late for her to turn back now. The thaw had already set in.

He had awakened feelings deep within her, emotions she did not understand.  What did he feel?  Would he feel the same intense magnetism, that was drawing her ever closer to him.  Could he feel the thread that had connected them over these past three years? Would he realize as she had, that he was the one for her and she was the only one for him?  Or when they finally met, would he turn away from her?  Was she making a mistake?  He lived so far away, would he give up all that he knew for her?

The moment he had accepted the rose, she knew deep down inside, this was the time. If she let this moment pass it might be lost forever and it was not a risk she was willing to take.

When she saw that the rose was wilting, she knew she could not let him feel their connection was lost. As the dawn was breaking, she made the now familiar sprint across the lake, near the mountain where her wild roses grew. She picked one that was not quite open and still dripping with dew from its evening slumber. Racing back before the sun rose, with steps as light as a feather, she tiptoed across the patio, kissed the rose and placed it gently on the table.


Taking this unexpected rose inside, he replaced the wilted one with this far more beautiful rose. Not wanting to part with the old one, he scattered the rose petals on the window sill. Had she sensed his feelings about the wilting rose? 

His imagination tingling with thoughts of her, he walked thoughtfully down to the water’s edge, half expecting to find her purple sarong. But nothing …. there was no hint of her presence. He dropped his towel and stepped into the water, feeling its coolness spreading through his limbs in the midday sun.

During the day he swam in his trunks, at night he would leave them behind and just wrap a towel around his waist.  Today he wished he had left them on the shore as he needed to feel free.  Feelings he had not experienced before were filling his emotions. He reached the rocky outcrop in the middle of the lake and pulled himself up. Stepping across each boulder until he found just the right secluded spot, he dropped his trunks and lay on his back welcoming the sun, feeling its warmth encouraging him to relax.

He must have needed the rest because when he woke it was late afternoon and the sun was very low in the sky.  He hurriedly put his trunks back on, dived into the water and swam back to shore.  The friends he was going to meet at the village pub would have left by now. Making a mental note to give them a call and apologise a little later, he headed for the kitchen to make himself something to eat.  He had not felt so rested or hungry in a very long time.

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