Chapter 51

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 “It’s so dark and cold. I don’t feel well at all. Where am I? Why is it so dark?” Annjelica began to cry. Her sobs echoed deep in her heart. Suddenly a faint familiar voice caught her attention.

“I will find you. I won’t stop until I do … even if it takes me the rest…”

The voice faded as she felt a tearing sting against her neck. Something had bitten her. She tried to move her hand to swat it away but her body refused to obey her mind. Her energy was being drained from her and she was powerless to do anything about it. Her limbs would just not move.

“What…what is happening to … me?” She gasped. Her voice was a hoarse whisper. Her mind reeled and her throat burned. When last had she fed, she couldn’t even recall.

“Relax my dark beauty and you won’t feel the sting.”

“Thirsty… throat burning… need to…f e e d.” Her voice sounded strange in her ears. Was that really her mouthing those words? She sounded more dead than alive.

“You will feed my love. All in good time. But first you must give in to your medication. Stop fighting it Annjelica. It will be so much easier and then you can feed. I promise.”

She felt the sharp sting and then the burn and within minutes her arm was ice cold and her mind whirled around in circles seeing shapes and colours and fragments of light. A mirror flashed passed her. There was someone in the mirror. Someone she knew. Her heart stopped.

“Lyell.” She shouted. “Save me Lyell, save me. Falling… no one to catch me…so lost.”

DaggerDarkStar frothed at the mouth. Even with the extra dose of witches’ blood and the toxic drug he fed into her veins she still called out for Lyell. He filled another syringe and located a vein in her other arm and forced another lethal dose of witches blood and drugs into her veins.

“You will forget him or you’ll die.”

“Never.” She cried. Her throat was on fire. “Must feed…burning up.” 

“You’ll feed only when you call my name.” He ran his thumb over her lips and moving her hair to the side he sank his teeth into the hollow of her neck. When he’d drank his fill he kissed her lips hard. “There, my dark beauty, taste the nectar that flows through your veins. I’ll make you mine or I’ll die trying and so will you.”

Annjelica could feel herself spiraling into the depths of a darkness that terrified her. Again the mirror flashed right passed her. “Lyell.” She whispered. 

“NO!” DaggerDarkStar screamed. “You will forget him. You will. It’s me you will love and serve forever.”

Annjelica heard something crash on the floor before she slipped into oblivion. Colours whirled around her head. They radiated heat all around her but when she reached out and touched them they turned to liquid and dripped down her arm. She looked down and saw the different colours mingle into one as they ran down from her finger tips passed her elbow and turned dark red… the colour of blood.

‘Lyell, I’m losing you…please hurry…’ Her thoughts echoed back at her like the hollow sound of the witchdoctor’s drums throbbing out her death song. ‘Hurry Lyell…I can’t hold… on…any…more’ 


Lyell woke before dawn after a restless night. He staggered through to the bathroom. His body and brain just did not function without his first cup of coffee in the morning. As he looked into the mirror it was not his eyes he saw but Annjelica’s. They looked dark and tear stained. He reached out and touched the mirror and her eyes disappeared.

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