Chapter 75

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 When Annjelica opened her eyes she found herself floating on her back, in the water, looking up at the night sky. The stars twinkled brightly as if welcoming her home. She drifted for a while trying to clear her thoughts before turning over and swimming towards the rocky outcrop. Climbing up onto the rocks she looked towards the cottage and diving back into the water, swam towards the cottage. As she stepped out onto the bank and walked up the path all the memories came flooding back.

Her eyes caught a shade of yellow as she approached the cottage. When she got closer she noticed a yellow rose bud. She ran forward and gasped. Her breath caught in tight spasms in her chest as she touched the rose bud growing wildly, beside the steps of the cottage. It was the only bud. The plant was only just pushing through the ground. She bent down and touched it and as her fingers caressed its new tightly, folded petals it opened and the smell teased her senses and made her heart beat wildly.

All the intimate moments came crashing back and she touched her lips remembering his soft kisses. “Lyell.” She breathed his name as she ran up the stairs and knocked on the French doors. After waiting impatiently, knocking every few seconds, she ran back down the stairs and raced to the window. Jumping up her body floated upwards and her feet rested lightly on the window ledge. She was about to pry the wooden window frame open when she heard a voice behind her.

“He is not there Annjelica.”

Annjelica spun round in mid-air and dropped to the ground.

“Vampuric!” She lept into his arms and knocked him to the ground.

“Hey, steady on there. I don’t think you realize how strong you are now.”

“So sorry Uncle Vamp. I’m just so glad to see a friendly face. So much has happened. I feel so odd, so different. Like I’m not real. Ohh… I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Annjelica, slow down. You’re talking so fast I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

Annjelica never realized her speech was so rapid no one would understand her unless she slowed herself down. She stopped and stared at him for a moment, then took a deep breath and spoke slowly. To her it seemed as though she was spelling out the words, but Vampuric nodded and seemed to understand her this time.

“Annjelica, don’t you remember anything?”

“I remember. I remember, but I need to find Lyell. I have to find him. I… I’ve…”

“Yes, I know Annjelica. You’ve imprinted on Lyell.” He smiled at her. “He is safe Annjelica. He is in hospital.”

“What happened?” She grabbed him by the shoulders.

“Annjelica, calm down. You have to understand your strength now.” He said as he pried her hands off his shoulders. “It seems when you’re agitated you are stronger than you realize. You will injure someone if you’re not careful.”

“The only person I intend harming is Diago.”

“Diago is dead Annjelica.”

Annjelica frowned. Her memory flashed back to the tunnel and she saw Diago crawling down the side of the gaping hole in the tunnel pavement. She kept her thoughts to herself. She would deal with Diago later, but right now she needed to get to Lyell.

“Uncle Vamp please take me to see Lyell.”

“I think you should go and see your parents first. Your mother is going crazy worrying about you.”

“I will communicate with her while you drive me to the hospital to see Lyell, please.”

Vampuric hesitated.

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