Chapter 56

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 Lyell paced the underground day after day trying to find some clue as to Annjelica’s whereabouts. There had been no more signs, no more clues he could follow. His heart was heavy with fear for her. He didn’t even want to contemplate not finding her.

He stood in the washroom at the station staring into the mirror willing her eyes to appear to give him a sign, any sign. As the last man walked out, he turned back to look at Lyell and frowned.

“You alright mate?”

“Yes, yes thanks. I’m fine.” Lyell responded smiling.

“You sure, you don’t look so well.”

“It’s been a long week. Searching for someone I’ve lost and run out of ideas where to look.”

“Have you been to the police and reported them missing?”

“It’s complicated.” Lyell answered. “Thanks for your concern.” He smiled at the man and walked into one of the cubicles. He just needed to be left alone.

Lyell heard the door bank shut as the man left. He sat on the toilet seat with his head resting in his hands. “Where are you Annjelica?” He whispered.

After waiting for ages for her to somehow reply, he stood up slowly and walked out of the washroom back onto the platform. An announcement came over the speakers saying the next train was delayed by five minutes. He was the only one on the platform and stepped forward to the edge looking down the tunnel. At that moment a bright light filled the darkness and a train sped by without stopping. The force of wind from the unexpected speeding train threw Lyell backwards onto the ground. The speed of the train flying past caused a whirlwind that sucked up sand from the track spraying it over the platform.

Lyell tried to sit up and stopped when he realized the train was still flying past. He’d never seen such a long tube train before. He looked around but there was no one on the platform but him. An eerie feeling came over him as he felt a gush of wind and sand rushing round him. The sand blew into his eyes and he closed them. A sudden hush caused him to open his eyes and rubbing them with his fingers he stared unbelievably at the empty train that had stopped, its doors open as if waiting for him.

He stood up hesitantly shaking the sand from his clothes. Brushing the remnants of sand from his trousers his eyes were drawn to a word now written in the sand.  Annjelica

As he stared at the name, written exactly as she had written it so long ago, in the sand outside his cottage. He bent down and touched the letters.

“I’ll never give up looking for you Annjelica, but please help me.”

“The train is due to leave in a minute, please get on board now.”

Lyell looked up startled. There was a woman standing at the open doors of the train. Was she talking to him? He looked around and saw no one else on the platform. As far as he could see the train was empty.

“Me?” He said holding his hand against his chest.

The woman nodded.

Lyell looked around him. He was still alone on the platform and when he looked at the overhead signboards they still indicated the train was running late. But here it was right in front of him. He hesitated. Was this the sign he had been waiting for, for days?

“Hurry, there’s no time to waste.” The woman said.

Lyell hurried onto the empty train and the door closed behind him. With a jolt the train took off and sped along the tracks so fast he could barely see each station as they whizzed past. It made him feel dizzy and he turned his attention to the woman who still stood motionless, by the doors looking outwards.

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