Chapter 68

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Vampuric and Wolfe stood still in the dark tunnel while their eyes became accustomed to the blackness that surrounded them. Their heightened senses soon picked up Lyell’s scent and they knew he had come this way. In the dark, Vampuric’s keen eyesight soon picked up a change in the wall shape and feeling along the damp wall his hands found the door. With Wolfe just behind him they pushed the door open and fell unexpectedly down a step onto a cobbled floor.

Wolfe’s body shuddered and his muscles rippled as he shapeshifted in his majestic black form. His wolf senses more alert, his eyes seeing through the dark and his hearing tuned to the slightest pin drop. He heard the rats scurrying in the darkness and the stench of dead rodents filled his nostrils.

Vampuric picked up his thoughts. ‘Dark and dingy down here. What on earth would lure your daughter down here Wolfe?’

‘I’m sure we will find out in due course.’ Wolfe responded. ‘I’ll lead the way.’

‘By all means, be my guest. You seem to know where you’re going.’

Save the humour for later, after we’ve found Annjelica.’

‘Sure Wolfe, sorry.’

‘Stay close Vamp, who knows what the hell we will find down here.’

‘I’ve got your back Wolfe, or should I say tail.’

‘Vampuric Colester!’

‘Okay, okay. Wolfe we will find her and bring her home.’

Wolfe shook his body and with his nose to the ground they walked cautiously down the cobbled path. An illuminous glow caught his attention and he came to an abrupt halt which took Vampuric by surprise and losing his balance he ended up sitting on Wolfe’s back.

‘Stop clowning around Vamp.’

‘Hey that’s not my fault. Warn a person next time you stop so suddenly. It’s pitch black down here. I didn’t see you stop.’

‘Fine, now kindly get off my back.’ Wolfe sat down on his haunches and Vampuric slid to the floor.

‘Thanks for the warning.’ Vampuric scrambled to his feet.

Wolfe stood up and cocked his head to one side.

‘What’s wrong?’ Vampuric asked looking down the tunnel. It was then he noticed the glow in the distance.

They walked cautiously hugging the side of the tunnel. As the glow got brighter Wolfe sniffed the air and caught the smell of the glow worms. ‘Glow worms.’

‘Bugs’ Vampuric responded.

They were amazed at the quantity of little lights that covered the walls. Neither of them had ever seen so many together in one place. Vampuric could not resist waving his hands at them and they all took off flying causing a shower of flickering lights to light up the tunnel. It was quite an amazing display and the light showed them the length of tunnel they still had to go. 

They hurried on passing several dead rats on the floor and as Vampuric kicked a rat out of his way to his left it disappeared. He stopped and stared after the disappearing rat.

‘Wolfe, this tunnel branches off here. Do you want to carry on and I’ll take this one.’

Wolfe hesitated. There was safety in numbers and they had no idea what they would encounter further down the line. ‘No, we’ll both go. Best if we stay together.’

As they stepped into the side tunnel they were shocked to find it suddenly opened up so much wider than the one they’d been following. You could fit two trains side by side. Every few feet there was an unlit lantern hanging on one side of the tunnel and Wolfe picked up another distinctive smell.

‘I can smell trees.’

‘Yes, like a forest. But what would a forest be doing down here?’ Vampuric pushed on ahead of Wolfe and stopped dead in his tracks when he rounded a corner and was confronted by a large double wooden door, the size of a barn door. He was about to push against it when Wolfe stopped him.

‘Something’s not right, be careful.’ The hair on Wolfe’s back rose into a firm ridge.

Cautiously Vampuric pushed the door open. They both stood and stared, unable to believe their eyes.

There in front of them was a replica of the lake near their home. The same lake Annjelica would spend evenings swimming in. They stood silently trying to take in this scene that looked as though it had been plucked from their part of the country. 

Wolfe shapeshifted back into his human form without realizing he’d done it. The shock of seeing the lake disturbed him. Was this what brought Annjelica down here?

Vampuric sensed his thoughts but before they could exchange words a man dressed in black came into view and walked towards the lake. They immediately stepped further back behind the trees and watched in silence. 

The man stopped at the edge of the lake and his words drifted across to them.

“What secret does this water hold that makes you come so alive Annjelica? I witnessed you evolve into a new being from the depths of this water and when we marry all those powers will be mine.” He bent down and dragged his fingers through the water. “Your mother slipped through my fingers, but you will not. No one will ever find you here.” He laughed as he stood up and walked back the way he came. “Lyell is dead and you are mine now.” He disappeared behind a large boulder.

Vampuric grabbed Wolfe’s arm. The same thought rushed through both their minds.


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