Chapter 26

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Suddenly Alexandria stopped everything she was doing, for the briefest moment she felt her daughter and knew this night she would claim her love. Annjelica’s imprinting would be forever sealed on this man she loved with such depth that only death could now destroy.

It was just a fleeting moment her thoughts touched Annjelica and then she was gone. Now she would patiently wait for her daughter to come to her and hold not the child but a woman in her arms. Her little girl would be a woman when the sun rose.

She sighed, ‘if only this man knew what a treasure he held in his arms this night, the blood he spilled on his sheets tonight would bind them together forever.’  Her daughter with unknown powers, who would she become on the anniversary of her birth.

Would he be strong enough to hold onto her and still love her when he discovered the truth about her?  If he should turn away from her, she feared Annjelica would take her own life.  To live without your soul mate, whose heart you had imprinted on, was not living at all. Many of their kind had died soon after losing their partners, either by their own hand or from a broken heart.

The women in this family were virgins and only gave that precious gift to their soul mates. It was never spoken of nor was it something they learnt or had been taught through generations of time, just taken for granted that is how it was to be. And should this love be lost for any reason, they would lose themselves too, more often than not in death.

Wolfe stopped by Alexandria’s side seeing her trance like state and knowing she was in thought with Annjelica.  He pulled her gently into his arms, his love for this woman never depleting, but growing ever stronger with time. “Annjelica ok?” he asked her softly.

She rested against his powerful chest, listening to his heartbeat. “All is well with our little girl.”  She smiled into his eyes kissed him tenderly and whispered, “She has imprinted.”

Wolfe crushed her to him, remembering so many years ago, when he imprinted on his beloved wife, how desperate he felt to make her his.

“Is this man worth her love?” kissing her forehead gently, he waited patiently for her answer.

“He is human, like me.”  She held her breath while Wolfe digested this news.

Wolfe looked down at his beautiful wife and smiled, “Her beautiful mother never let me down in her human state.”

“I’m not so human now though and have learnt to come to terms with my new life, but then you made it so easy for me, my darling.”

“Yes Alexandria, but I had no choice at the time. It was a matter of life and death, your life, and I could not let you go and our daughter has more than one species of blood running through her.  I just hope this man can handle our little girl.”

Alexandria smiled at her husband, “My concern is, how will he react when he finds out who and what she is?”

“We don’t really know either Alex. Her true potential will only show after she turns eighteen.” Wolfe reminded her.

“Wolfe, she has imprinted on him. Do you have any idea what might happen if he rejects her?” Alexandria asked him, her voice full of concern.

“We will have to watch her closely Alex. If he rejects her, she may not tell us and then who knows what course of action she will take. She’ll never take another mate.” Wolfe responded, frowning.

“Wolfe, if anything happened to Annjelica, I think I would die.”

“Alexandria, we can only do our best to keep her safe. We have no idea who or what she will become or how traditional circumstances will affect her.”

Wolfe pulled his wife closer and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He would move heaven and earth to keep Alexandria alive and protect his daughter.

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