Chapter 38

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A loud banging on the front door echoed through the entire cottage. Lyell threw on a pair of shorts and ran down stairs. 

“Who on earth is here at this time of the morning?” He said to himself whilst running down the stairs.

As he opened the door, Wolfe and Vampuric pushed passed him. “We’ve come to fetch Annjelica; we have to get her home before the sun rises.” Wolfe said scanning the cottage for any trace of his daughter.

“Her skin is too fragile in her present state to be in the sun, we have to get her home and into a darkened room now.” Vampuric’s voice was harsh and louder than he intended as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, impatiently.

Lyell was taken totally off guard and unprepared for these two beings to burst through his door at this hour of the morning. “She’s in the shower,” was all he could think of saying at that moment.

Wolfe was about to climb the stairs when Lyell spoke hurriedly, “Surely she has time for a shower?”

“Well yes, Lyell. I wasn’t planning to drag her out of the shower, just to knock and let her know we are waiting for her downstairs.

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but she did say she might like to spend the day here with me and I’ll drive her to the castle when she wakes up later, and in plenty of time to get ready for tonight.” Lyell offered.

“Thank you but it is imperative she comes home with us now and it seems you know she has to sleep all day but she has to feed at regular intervals throughout the day.” Wolfe said as he proceeded to climb the stairs again.

“I would very much like to take that responsibility over for her today.” Lyell interrupted.

Wolfe stopped climbing, came back down the stairs and stood squarely in front of Lyell. “Maybe we need to have that chat you intended having with me when you arrived at the castle unannounced.”

Lyell stood his ground, but spoke respectfully. “Yes, please. Would you like to take a seat outside on the patio? Sorry … should’ve asked first if you are okay to sit outside in the daylight, or is that just vampires.” He finished off looking at Vampuric.

“We are both fine in the daylight, thank you very much.” Vampuric stated.

“My apologies Vampuric, I wasn’t sure. I’m sure you realize how strange this all is for me.” Lyell said holding his stare.

“Of course we do Lyell,” Wolfe said, trying to break the tension between Vamp and Lyell, “That’s why you need to think long and hard about what you are getting yourself into now, before going any further.”

“Wolfe, please can we talk outside in private?” Lyell asked as he made his way outside.

Wolfe followed him and put his hand up to stop Vamp from following. Vampuric frowned, irritable at not being allowed to be involved and made his way upstairs to let Annjelica know they were waiting for her.

Wolfe took a seat across the table from Lyell and waited for him to speak, even though he already sensed what he was going to say and wondered how best to answer him.

“I love your daughter and I fell in love with her the first time I saw her on those rocks out there on the lake. But I think I loved her before that even …. The first time she left a rose for me. What I’m trying to say is, I really want to marry Annjelica.”

“Wolfe coughed and cleared his throat before speaking, “Have you asked her yet?”

“No, I wanted to do the proper thing and speak to her father first.”

“Thank you, I do respect you for that. But Lyell do you really understand what you’re taking on?  We have no idea who or what she will become tonight. She is not human like you. She doesn’t eat normally like you or sleep at regular times. How will you, as a human cope with all that?”

“I will do anything and I mean anything it takes to be her equal. I know I cannot live without her, I’d rather die than live another day without her by my side.”

“Maybe, you should first attend her birthday celebration tonight and see what takes place and what she becomes before you decide to ask her.”

“Yes, I would really like to be there for her, right by her side through it all. That’s why it’s so important for me to be with her all day, today too.  I’m going to be part of her life from now on and surely I should start today, by being there for her all through this day and doing whatever it takes to make sure she is ready and well rested for tonight.” Lyell said as he stood up, “It won’t take me long to pack a change of clothes or two and something to wear tonight and I will follow you round to the castle in my car with Annjelica.”

“I hope you two are not talking about me,” Annjelica said as she came over and gave her father a hug.

“As a matter of fact we were Angel. Your father has just agreed to let me come to the castle with you today and look after all your needs until your big moment tonight.” Lyell said as he walked over to stand next to Annjelica.

‘Father, really? Lyell can stay with me at the castle today.’ Annjelica spoke to her father telepathically.

"Only, if you are happy with that Annjelica?” Wolfe questioned, looking directly into his daughter’s eyes.

“Yes, I am Father. I want Lyell with me, not just today, but always.”

‘Annjelica, you do realize what you are asking of him, does he know?’

‘If he can deal with everything that happens tonight then I can’t see why he won’t change for me, maybe not now, but in time.’ Annjelica’s thoughts troubled her father, but he could see there was no way he would be able to change her mind for now, anyway.

Lyell threw clothes into an overnight bag, along with a smart black evening suit and hurried downstairs to the car. He was thrilled to see that Wolfe had allowed Annjelica to travel with him and was already seated in his car.  He was surprised to see her wearing a long black cloak with a hood and large dark sunglasses.

Annjelica smiled when she saw Lyell looking at her with an odd expression, “Protection against the sun,” she said as Lyell climbed quickly into his car just as the sun peaked over the top of the mountain.

“Lyell, I hope you know that today is really going to test your feelings for me.”

“I’ll do whatever is expected of me and so much more. I love you Annjelica, I’d do anything for you, anything at all.”

“And I love you Lyell.” She sat quietly for a moment before she spoke again. “I may not be myself today. I have to sleep all day, so I won’t be good company.”

“I don’t care. I’m going to sit beside you while you sleep and make sure you eat at the proper intervals too, just like your father said.”

Annjelica laughed and it was like music to his ears. “What’s so funny?” He asked as they pulled up to the castle gates.

“I won’t be eating like you would.”

“Oh …. Well … okay, whatever it is you have to eat I will make sure you do.” Lyell said hesitantly, wondering what exactly did she have to eat, remembering that he’d read somewhere that vampires fed off human blood and wolves ate other animals.

Annjelica read his thoughts and smiled, “Nothing so harsh Lyell, it’s a potion that Vampuric makes up for me. I’m sure my father will show you, although it may smell rather pungent to you, but to me, it’s what keeps me from wanting to feed off you.” She giggled when she saw Lyell’s expression.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or be afraid until he saw her wink. “Angel, don’t be cruel, don’t tease me like that. I’m still trying to adjust to the fact that there are such beings as vampires and werewolves.”

As soon as Lyell’s car came to a stop outside the castle doors, Alexandria was waiting with a very large black umbrella, which she used to shade Annjelica from the morning sunrise as soon as she opened the door. Ushering her into the castle and immediately up to her room she called back to Lyell, “It’s lovely to see you again Lyell. I’m sure Wolfe or Vampuric will take you through the day’s routine, while I settle Annjelica for the day.”

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