Chapter 64

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 “I’m going back underground to where we found Lyell and see if I can pick up Annjelica’s trail.” Vampuric pulled Wolfe aside so Alexandria couldn’t hear him. “I have a bad feeling Diago is involved somehow.”

“Vamp…” Wolfe struggled to clear the horrific images that filtered into his mind.

“I know.” Vamp spoke his friend’s thoughts. “If he has Annjelica he will seek revenge after the family cast him out.”

“I can’t understand why he was allowed at the Elder’s council meeting when Annjelica displayed her powers. He now knows what’s she is capable of and if … well Alex has not had any telepathic contact with her in days. She has always been aware of her presence and if she was ever hurt or in danger Alex knew immediately… and now there is nothing.” Wolfe’s shoulders slumped as if he had the weight of the world on them.

“We will find her Wolfe. I won’t stop looking for her even if it kills me. I would give my life for your daughter. She is special… a part of Alex, a part of me and you.”

Wolfe knew Vampuric would never give up looking for Annjelica. He also knew that his friend who was as close to him as a brother had always had feelings for Alexandria, but he had never hinted in the slightest how he felt. From the moment he had laid eyes on Alex, Wolfe had seen his heart clearly through his eyes. He would be forever grateful to Vampuric for stepping back when he had declared his love for Alexandria and intended to make her his life-long mate.

Vampuric had been present when Wolfe had marked Alexandria and made her his mate, so that no other man human or other being would ever touch her again.

On the night of the full moon, when the wolves cry echoed up to the moon, guiding a vixen to be their life time mate; Wolfe had taken Alexandria into the woods and surrounded by his family he had marked her with his blood. As he shape shifted into his animal form, the rest of the family followed suit and Alexandria was surrounded by a pack of wolves. Vampuric was the only two legged person allowed to witness this ceremony. He sat perched on a branch in a nearby tree and watched this ceremony, only ever seen by wolves.

Dressed in just a cloak of red velvet, Alexandria stood unafraid and calm in the center ring as he approached her. Wolfe could remember that night as clearly as if it was yesterday. As he bared his teeth and rose up on his hind legs, Alex had turned her back to him and dropped her cloak to the ground. His front legs came down on her shoulders pushing her to the ground and his teeth buried into her left shoulder breaking her skin and drawing blood. He dragged his teeth diagonally across her back tearing her skin from her left shoulder to her right hip and just above her hip bone he sank the nails of his paw deep into her bleeding skin. An imprint of his paw was embedded on her pale skin like a tattoo.

She never cried out or uttered a word. He was so proud of how brave she was. It was then he took his human form. His body shuddered and a fire burned within him as he dug his nails into his chest, tearing deep till his crimson blood flowed freely. He mounted her from behind and molded his chest against Alexandria’s bleeding back and their blood united them as one. She was his and he was hers until death. Neither would ever take another mate. The pack bore witness to this unusual union. A human with the blood of a vampire running through her veins and yet her heart still beat inside her chest; now she had become one with their pack sharing the blood of their royal heir.

Vampuric watched Wolfe quietly and felt, rather than read his friend’s thoughts. He knew he was thinking of Alexandria and did not intrude into this private moment. When Wolfe turned his attention to Vampuric his words startled him.

“If Diago has marked her and stopped her heart beating, I will tear his lifeless heart out with my teeth and eat it before tearing his body to pieces.”

Vampuric had never heard such bitterness in his friend’s voice and was grateful he was not the one on the receiving side of his anger.

“My friend let’s now waste another moment in our search for your daughter.” Vampuric lifted Annjelica’s sarong and took a deep breath, fixing her scent in his senses. “Her scent is strong on this fabric, but sadly I’ve not smelled it in the underground.”

“Was there no trace of her scent on Lyell when you found him?” Wolfe asked.

“No more than a hint, but so faint. I don’t think he touched her, probably just brushed passed her.”

“She has to be in the underground somewhere near where you found Lyell.”

Within minutes they were standing by the bins where they found Lyell but neither of them picked up any scent from Annjelica.

A train suddenly screeched to a halt and the squeal of the brakes made them both turn round.

“It’s empty.” Wolfe said, as his heightened vision scanned the length of the train.

“The doors are closed and no one is trying to get on.” Vampuric said as he walked towards the doors nearest them.

Wolfe followed him. He looked back at the people standing on the platform but they seemed oblivious to the empty train. “Something is not right.”

Vampuric turned round to see what he was looking at and in that instant, the doors they were standing in front of opened. They looked at each other and back at the people. A deathly silence spread like a tidal wave around them and although they saw people’s mouths moving there was no sound of speech.

Wolfe looked back at the train. “These are the only doors open.”

“I know this sounds ridiculous, but I think this train is here only for us.”

Wolfe nodded and they boarded the train. The doors shut quickly behind them and the train sped off silently passed the people on the platform. Wolfe thought it was strange how they never seemed to notice or even see the train go by.

Wolfe felt a shiver run down his spine as if something icy cold had brushed past him. He spun around and saw Vampuric staring into the darkness at the back of the train.

“What the hell? When did those lights go out?” He asked Vampuric, who seemed mesmerized by something in the distance.

“Wolfe, can’t you see her?”

“Who? See who? Annjelica?” He followed Vampuric’s eyes and there… way back in the darkness was an illuminous white figure of a woman.

Wolfe and Vampuric stared in amazement as she glided forward without touching the floor, but she stayed in the dark and they couldn’t see her face.

‘Her time is running out. Four days and her heart will be cold.’

“Wait!” Vampuric shouted as the vision disappeared.

Wolfe stammered. “What…what…was that?”

“I don’t know Wolfe, but I’m sure she was talking about….”

Before he could finish his sentence the train came to a screeching holt, throwing them both to the floor.

Wolfe sprang to his feet and instinctively shape shifted into his wolf form. ‘Something is wrong, watch your back Vamp.’

Vampuric heard his thoughts and slowly turned round doing a complete three sixty taking in every aspect of their surroundings. Before he could speak the doors flew open and they stepped out into an inky blackness as the train sped silently away.

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