Chapter 16

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Alexandria’s time with the Vampire family was interesting and rather fascinating.  She was not sure what she was going to find or learn from them, but she came to realize that even though their bodies were cold and their hearts did not beat, they were in themselves, warm and friendly. A strong family unit, dedicated to making sure each member was always safe and secure in the knowledge they were always there for each other, no matter what.

Vampuric made it his task to teach her the art of self-defense. Fighting to stay alive and how to end the life of any rogue vampire that may try to feed from her.  With her blood still running hot through her veins and her heart still beating, she had the smell of a human and would find herself easy prey if she chose to walk among his kind.

The family searched through their history records to find some answer to Alexandria and what or who she was now. Part human, part Wolf, part Vampire. How would they find out which part was the strongest and which part called to her inner being, now she was no longer all human?

News of Alexandria’s unique existence spread rapidly through the clans and it seemed that friends and relatives from far and wide stopped by unexpectedly to visit.  Occasionally, a couple would stay over, which was very unusual for the Colester family who did not entertain guests very often.

It was during one of these weekend family visits that Alexandria met Diego, Vampuric’s cousin.  He was taller than Vampuric, very muscular, covered in tattoos, long blond hair down to his waist which he wore in a single plait at the back of his head. Occasionally he let it loose and wore a headband of striking Indian colours.

When he arrived he greeted the family warmly and gave Vampuric a friendly punch on his arm.  Then, facing Alexandria, who was seated beside Vampuric, he stepped in front of her, took her hand and politely kissed it.

“Ahhh, it’s true what they say. She is still hot blooded and smells human!”

Alexandria politely removed her hand from his and smiled.

Vampuric put a protective arm around her “Yes, Diego, and she is in my care for a few months!” He looked at his cousin sternly, “So hands off and keep your canines tucked away during your stay with us!” A note of warning resounded in his voice.

‘Touch her and I will rip your head off!’ His searing thoughts struck through Diego’s mind.  Diego looked at his cousin and with a mischievous smile, he nodded.

Diego spent the weekend watching Alexandria being put through her paces and learning the ways of her cold blooded relatives. He was indeed amazed at how they all seemed totally unaware of how delicious she smelt. Could they not hear her hot blood coursing through her veins? Were they all totally oblivious to the effect her human side had on their kind?

Cedric, ever watchful of the proceedings, kept a careful eye on Diego, knowing of his past history with the opposite sex and his raunchy romps with ladies of the night, and who knew how many Blood Dolls he already had under his spell. All those poor, unsuspecting human females, who constantly fell victim to this Casanova’s charms. He would feed from them, just enough to keep them under his spell, without killing or turning them.  When Diago left, Cedric breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Diego would not be visiting again while Alexandria was with them.

Cedric had lost his life time partner centuries ago when the humans had set out hunting, with a pack of dogs. She was out hunting herself, being weak and needing to feed, she was caught off guard and killed.  Vampuric had not yet found a suitable partner. His brother Lexus and his partner Lizzy had been together several decades now. Anita and Lance had joined the family recently.  Amanda, the oldest and acting like the Mother hen, dutifully kept them all in line.  They were an unusual family, coming together in different ways and avoiding humans at all costs, hunting in the surrounding forest to satisfy their needs.

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