Chapter: 31

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Zayn’s P.O.V.:

I am not someone who will loose patience easily, but recently it is happening more than anyone can even count. After getting back with the boys, I literally became more impatient kinda person. But I can’t help it. I love them, each of them. I mean, me and Lou  share a bond beyond brother. We practically grew up from a bandmate to a partner in crime. And now, he is battling for his survival. How can anyone expect me to be calm about the situation. So I get pissed. Pissed at the person currently trying to calm me down.

“Look Josh, I don’t know if you can understand the situation or not, but my brother is battling for his life there, don’t know anything about Vee's condition still. You have absolutely zero right to tell me to calm down. Because you are the one who created the whole problem here. So shut the fuck up, before I loose my goddamn mind completely. And yes, if possible, then please clean your family shit, before it is to late to clean up.” Before Hazza can try to calm me down, I shout at him infront of everyone present here.

“Zee, please calm down. Believe me, Josh actually already took action against his family. They can’t be anymore a problem for us. Besides Lou is okay. Even doctors said us earlier. He is just resting. Actually, if the recovery goes as planned today, then they will put in general bed and bring him back out of medically induced coma. So don’t be harsh on him.” Though it is late, still Hazza intervene me from more probable lash out. Josh actually is crying. I know, what he is going through, is something no one wants to go through. Rob is also crying, but in the mean time, he is trying to soothe Josh's pain.

I know, I just lashed out at Josh, but his situation itself is so bad that atleast I can correlate with his situation till a point, that I also start sobbing. Nothing is more painful than knowing, your family who supposed to love you endlessly, are trying to hurt you most. So what I do best in this situation is, I go to Josh to sit next to him. “You know Josh, I can understand your pain. Though my family did not do anything bad to hurt me knowingly, they did what they were taught to do under her influence. But I really can feel the pain. Forget that I said something. I really didn’t mean to say those words to you. Just don’t tell me to be calm down, where you also can’t keep your cool, okay? I have no one as a family besides you all. I really can’t afford to loose any of you. Can you understand that?”

He just hugs me tightly. Who knew our life will be getting filled up by  this much pain. Ben's son Benji sits right next to me. He is one hella cute and mature guys than his age. “Zayn, you can’t cry anymore though. I was telling Harry yesterday at hospital that, I really wanted to meet you people on better circumstances, but we are here in this unexpected situation. But we atleast know what we can do to stop the damage to proceed further. I know you probably now heard this next line till this moment several times, but again you have to hear from me, and listen for good this time, you are nowhere near even moderately good health. So stop panicking more, so that we don’t have to face another scary feeling of loosing our loved ones. First your Vee, or us are here to solve your problem nit to mourn suddenly for you. Please it’s a little request from all the directioners or your Vee.” He takes my hand in his and press it over his heart, “You know, you people belong to here, you people don’t know how much we fans adore you. What you see is only 20 to 30% of all. So we really can’t take bad news about any of you.”

Harreh looks up to me, he has this red puffy eyes due to constant crying. Thank god, Frey is playing with Alexa, Maya and Jess. Ben, Xenny and Marine went to hospital with Lili, Nini and Matt. Rob is the one first to open his mouth to speak after what it feels like eternity, “I know, it is unethical for us now working on Zee’s case, as our leader is currently in hospital, but I know for a fact she will be happy to learn, that we did not loose faith or hope, and we worked together and sticked together, even when everything was falling apart. Bad things didn’t break us down. Hope it is clear to all of you. Josh now you are leader of us now, obviously temporary one. So buckle up guys, we need to do many file works. Atleast we can finish it in the time being.” Harry, hot on wheels, enters the kitchen to bring us some coffee. But Josh and Rob cook some plan with their eyes. Suddenly, Benji starts dragging me towards our room, where Frey is playing. Oh my god, as they are working on my cases, they literally throwing me out of their work place. So Josh and Rob cook this thing up. In no time, we reach my room. Three elders literally look up at us in suspicion.

“Benny, what I told you about dragging someone?? Why are you treating Zee like you own him, or he is some sort of rag doll to you??” Jess booms at Benji. I snicker silently.

“Momma, Josh, Robby and Hazza will work on Zee’s case files now. Ally, they want you there. So they told me to take him here. As they knew, Zee would have put up a fight not to leave. Besides that is not even a real point. he is so light like a leaf, it is easy. Look at him. You also can do that without even breaking your fake nails momma dearest.” Benji just shrugs, casually. Oh boy, you can be all tall and muscly but believe me I can whoop your ass like a Jason Mamoa can do to anyone. This boy, I am telling you, is a little cocky but humble and caring shit.

Sometimes passed by, still no phone call. Is Vee even okay? Frey is infront of me, playing, company unaware about his papa and ma. What will be his reaction, when he get to know about this situation he is in now? He is just a little kid. Don’t even know the meaning of life. I actually stopped counting time sometimes ago. A few moments passed by, just now someone’s phone's ringtone chimes in loudly. It’s mine. Lili is calling. As I am sitting with Frey, helping him colouring, I need to go to somewhere to talk. Maya assures me to go to balcony to talk.

[Phone Call with Liam]

“Hey Zee, how are you doing?? Is Frey okay? What about Maya?” Lili, with a very calm voice chimes in.

“Hey, I am good as well as Maya and Frey. Don’t worry about us. But what about Vee and Lou, Lili?”

“Zee, everything is under control here. Vee is now up. She is okay. We told her about The Baby and Lou’s condition. She is resting now. Nialler and Marine are with her. Don’t worry.”

“Then, when she is gonna come back here?? Did you take your breakfast? Tell rest of them to take breakfast. Okay?? And keep me updated.”

“Doctor didn’t tell us about her release. But he said, he will update me after lunch. They wanna observe her now. Though she is now in complete bed rest. No heavy lifting and stress working from now on till her full term of pregnancy, as her body already went through too much stress at the most crucial moment of pregnancy. Anyway, I will tell you all about the whole fiasco when will we go back to home. You take care of yourself okay??”

“Lili, don’t worry about me. I will be fine here. Now I am with my family, so nothing can snatch me from you all. So don’t be so worked up for me. Love you. Take care of yourself and others. Especially Nialler.”

[Phone call ends]

4 days Later.

In four days, nothing much happened. Vee got released on the second day of these four days. Lou showed much more improvement than expected by the doctors. Teams were busy with official paper works. They worked in separate teams, as some of them were staying at hospital. They kept me and Vee out of their way of work, much to our dismay. Though I don’t want Vee to work, as I desperately want the little baby to see the light of the world. Doctor said, if she stresses too much, it will even lead to a miscarriage, or else it will be a complicated pregnancy. I don’t want any of them to be harmed. So if that means I need to trade my happiness for their safety and Lou’s, I will do it in one breathe.

We are sitting at lounge area, chatting with everyone. Jess and Benji are staying as well. We are so much in debt with them, the way they are taking care of us, I don’t think my parents would have done that to me. Vee's parents will come after the lockdown. In India, the corona virus outbreak happened a little late than here. So they are now facing the all lockdown right now. They call every day. Right now it is morning. Frey is asleep but on my chest. He woke early saying he had a bad dream. After that, he did not let me go away from him even for washroom. I needed to take him with me, even in wee. Today, Hazza, Nialler, Josh, Rob and Xenny will go to hospital after taking their breakfast. They are waiting for breakfast now. Jess and Lili are busy in kitchen with Ben and Marine occasionally helping them.

Just now Hazza's phone chimes in. Who can be now?? Momma Anne? But she called just a while ago. Hazza’s expression is telling me, he is not with the person who called him. He mouths the word Hospital, instantly making everyone on their feet with fear. He put the phone on speaker.

[Phone call with Hospital]

“Hello, Mr. Styles? We are calling to update you about the condition of Mr. Louis Tomlinson. He just woke by himself. Doctors also want to meet you now. They can explain about current status of the patient and every other details.”

“Madam thank you for the good news you gave us now. We will be their as soon as possible. If you please inform the stay in police official there, the same news, as he is next to emergency line up of us. It will be a great help then.”

“Sir, actually he already knew. He probably messaged any of you. Thank you. Anything else I can do now?”

“No no, that’s all, we will be there in sort time. Thank you.”

[Phone call ends]

Hearing this news, Josh and Rob already went to spare room to get ready. Ben and Xenny are already ready here. Hazza also sprint’s towards our room, not before casting a long happy kiss on my lips. Nialler starts stuffing his mouth with food like hungry lion for months. I guess he does need to get change out of his PJ’s. Seeing him Vee starts laughing loudly among us first. Lili hits his head with a loud sound, making everyone laugh out loud.

“Nialler, if  you want to go with them, then go to your room to change RINGHT NOW. Or else, you will not get a single snack we are preparing for you all for launch. Go. NOW.” Lili, just like a mother hen, starts barking at him. Frey wakes up with all the loud sound. He looks at the NIAM duo, with a smile.

Next thing we know is, a small voice asking a question to me with lots of hope in his eyes, “Zee, what happened? Why are all of you so smiling?! Is papa goons come back?? Is his boo boo okay now??”

“Love, your papa is okay. His boo boos are also okay now. Your uncles are going to see him now. He will to talk to you soon.  And your uncles will tell you when he gonna come, when they get to reach the hospital okay bubba?” Even my day got already better. I just want him back here. Vee and Maya already started crying happy tears. Marine, Jess and Alexa need to join them only now. But Jess comes to Vee and hugs her, chanting 'we won' and ‘your love won' like mantras.

Louis's P.O.V.:

I don’t exactly how many days, I was out. But I know for a fact for sure, Vee and Frey are freaking out like maniac with a added fragile person Zee. How are everyone? With this global pandemic shit, ma and baba also can’t come here to take care off them. How are Hazza and Lili  doing. I just wanna go home. Though my broken leg and shoulder are paining tremendously. A nurse comes in now. I just need her to give me some sort of pain medication.

“Mr. Tomlinson, you are up. Thank god. I need to call doctors now.” She, with  what felt like a relief of sigh, press some sorta bell near beside my bed. 4 doctors come rushing into my room, like a thunderbolt.  I assume, the most senior doctor takes the main role here of checking me. He starts with my eyes. Then rest of the organs, another one is constantly trickling my uninjured foot. What they want?!.

I try to talk, but fail miserably. My throat is rough and dry like a dead log. So I immediately start coughing. So the nurse gives me water in a sippy cup. Who does that to a grown up?? Suddenly  the main Doctor speaks up, “Hello, Me. Tomlinson, good to see you wake up. I am Dr. Jordon Parrish and they are also your doctor’s, Dr. Kavin Devine, Dr. Brandon Halstead and Dr. Riley Jenkins. And she is your nurse, Ms. Rose Lance. How are you now? Any pain, you are experiencing currently?”

“No, I am okay. Just my shoulder and leg is hurting mostly right now. Otherwise I am okay.” I realise, that I can’t talk with one breathe. So I pause to speak again, “One question though, how many days I was out? Who was here, while I was out?” The doctors suddenly start laughing. “First of all, that makes two questions of you. And secondly, you were out for 6 days till now. All of your friends, or rather I can say family were here in shift. Though your girlfriend was here for the first two days constantly, as she was admitted later that day you came in.” One of the three Doctors eyes the nurse for something. But what happened to Veebee?? I want to see her.

I don’t know, how many time I was thinking about her. Suddenly someone bursts through the door. Then people start flooding in. Before I can comprehend the situation or get a chance to look at the intruders, that first person hugs me tightly. Judging by the hugging type, it is Hazza. Nialler is impatiently waiting on his queue, but for much time, he joins the hug party. Ben and Xenny are here as well. Now I can take a breathe of relief. “Hazza, I am okay. Nialler look I am okay. Don’t break down now. And besides you don’t want to crush my already crushed shoulder.” They hurriedly release me from the group hug.

“You don’t know how fucking much you were being a pain is ass of us. For you Vee got admitted in hospital. Thank god baby and she are now okay. Don’t you dare to give us heart attack like that ever.” Nialler cries out while rubbing his eyes. Xenny pulls out his phone fro pocket and dials someone’s number, but he is video calling. Next moment, I get to hear the most heavenly voice ever. Veebee. My Vaani.


Hey peeps,

How are you all?? Ufff nearly one month, I was offline. I don't know if anyone of you know about my condition, but don't worry. I am good now. Out of danger and out of hospital. 3 days ago, they released me.

Anyways, I hope you all are doing well. Hope you all are waiting for my next update. So here it is for you all.

Please vote and comment. I need it to keep going.

I will do shoutout from next chapter.

Love you all💛💛💛
See ya in three days.

DUSK TILL DAWN  (ZARRY STYLIK)- mpregWhere stories live. Discover now