Chapter: 50

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Chapter: 50

Zayn's P.O.V.:

New day, new memories. Past couple of weeks have been very hectic. Especially for baba, Harreh, Lili, Lou, Nini, Matty and whoever are attending court hearing. Final Judgement Day is nearing. Almost a month of hearing is gone, last week of question and evidence submission is now going on. And here I am, still in dark, waiting to know any news on my freedom. But I am thankful to Judge and Jury, as they gave me relaxation from attending the court hearing. Although, I already have decided to attend the final judgement day. I don't know what the judgement will be, but have a high hope that we are going to win. Every day, when Vee comes back home, she shows huge amount of high energy, even though she is almost 9 months pregnant. So, even if, I don't get any solid answer to my question, 'What happened today?' from anyone, I get a little bit of hope to have a result on our favour from her antics and positive energy.

As I busy myself in making dinner for everyone today, I am not feeling good. Infract, for past couple of days, I am not feeling good. Nothing to worry 'bout, but sudden dizziness, nausea and heartburns are frequent to experience. I have pretty much an idea about what is wrong with me. So, before I faint or something, and make them worry for me more, I put out the stove, and cover the lid on the cooking pot. Then, slowly, and steadily, reach to my room to retrieve my wallet and phone. Rupert, one of our security guards, gets alarmed by watching me put on outside shoes. "Rupert, can you please accompany me to medicine store? Also, please don't contact any of your seniors. I will tell you why, once we board on the car." I request him politely. He nods affirmatively. "Yes Sir, Lead the way." He shows a great gentlemanship by opening the main door and holding it for me. He then locks the door from outside, and went to garage to bring the car. Once we both are seated securely, I tell him the plan. "Ummm.. So, you see, I may or may not be pregnant, as you know about my condition. So, if I find out that I am indeed pregnant, by using few pregnancy kits we are going to buy, then, I want you to run to 'Babyhug' and 'Hamley's' stores to buy few baby items, as I will be planning to surprise my beautiful fiancé and our family. Are you in?" I know Rupert, he is one of biggest golden retriever I have ever seen in my entire life. So, I don't even doubt him to refuse me anything. But still, for the fun I am having, I pull out my best puppy dog eyes for him. His eyes gleams with glee. A big grin forms at the corner of his mouth. He wordlessly nods his head in affirmation. "I promise you Sir, no matter what! I will always protect you and the future baby beans, regardless of what the result will be today." I smile on his sincerity. You know people like him is still present in the world, hence, we, humankind is still thriving. Anyways, first I need to confirm I am pregnant, then I have to plan whole surprise thing. And I really don't have much time left on my hands.

Upon reaching the pharmacy, I foolishly spent godawfully long time in choosing types of pregnancy kits. God, there are so many types? Luckily, seeing me struggling, Rupert calls someone. And that someone is none other than his mother. Before he even explains, his mother assumes worse and starts rebuking him and giving him lessons on the existence of protection. Poor Rupert! He becomes red in embarrassment. So, I take his phone from him to do some much-needed damage control. "Hello Auntie, Zayn here. Actually auntie, you know about me and my conditions, right? Rupert did not make any girl pregnant, auntie. It is just, I think, I might be pregnant! So, those tests are for me. Please don't rebuke him!" She laughs hearing me, stating the fact that Rupert still needs a little bit reminder, and there is no harm and shame in that. "Ok Zayn, you will find quite a few brands, but most accurate result giving brands are ClearBlue Digital Pregnancy Kit, First response, i-Can One step Pregnancy testing kit. So, I suggest you to buy 3 of each brand, I have mentioned to you. Best of Luck son. Hoping and praying for you." Her happy voice chimes in. If I was not blushing previously, then I am blushing now. After few words of encouragement from her and greeting to her from my side, we disconnect the call. With thousands of emotions running through our mind, we pick the three brand of kits and go to the cashier. Rupert makes me stand in distance from cashier, and then proceeds to buy those things under his name for precautions. Then we hurriedly reach to our house. While entering the house, I see Marine and other ladies except Vee and Alex are sitting on the sofa and chitchatting. Before they get to grill, I make a dash towards mine and Harry's shared room, leaving a poor Rupert behind to take the hit from those ladies. After closing the door of the room, I enter the washroom with those purchases. After few minutes of reading the instructions written on those packets, and doing the necessary, I set the alarm of instructed time on my phone. Those few minutes are going to be the most scarily longest minutes of my life. I can hear my heart races like a bullet train. My mind is giving me all the possible different scenarios, which then is causing my stomach to go on a twist. The emotion which currently I'm feeling, cannot be described with words, as I don't even know which emotion I am feeling most. In the room with pin drop silence, every second is being felt like an eternity. Suddenly, the long pregnant silence gets disturbed by the chilling sound of alarm. With a very sweaty and shaky hand I reach for those three tests. With blank mind, and hope filled heart I turn each test at a time. PREGNANT. PREGNANT. TWO PINK LINES.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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