Chapter: 13

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Niall's P.O.V. :

It is the middle of night, suddenly I get a text. I am sharing bed with Lou. He turns his head towards me in curiosity. I know Zee's health is not good a this point. Is something happened to him? Panic strike us both at the same time. Lou's dark blue eyes are searching answers in mine, but I am unable to give him. Without wasting any time, without reading what the text is saying, we start running towards Harry and Zayn's room.

It takes zero minutes to reach and budge in their room. The next thing we know are doing currently, trying to cover our eyes. Lou makes most loud noise, which makes this two love birds separate from each other's mouth. Zee becomes a bright crimson red in colour. And Harry on the other hand becomes very angry on us. In the mean time, Lili joins us, with a fearful expression. I guess, hearing Loud Lou, he awakes.

"What happened? Zee are you okay?" A very much dumbfounded Lili asks us.

"What do you think, happened here Liam? Is there any kind of word 'knocking' here in your dictionary Niall and Louis?" Harry chimes in with a very angry voice. If I know any bit of him, then his is 'bout to lash out on us.

"What are you talking Hazza? Zee is okay right? By the way, why the hell both of you are in your boxers?" Liam you are still innocent to understand what was happening here, by seeing them in this sate as well. If there is a more bright shade of darkest red colour, then please give the name of it, cause currently Zee's cheeks are just like that shade.

Smirking, Lou chimes in "Lili try to understand, they were busy and we disturbed them to check if they were okay. That's why they both are almost naked. By the why, it was not our fault. We panicked after getting a text in Nialler's phone. Though we don't know, who texted him and what. We just assumed that it could be Hazza here, regarding Zee's health. That's why, we came in. And Harry got angry we us." He is currently trying his level best to give a puppy dogs eyes to all, though it surely is not working on Hazza.

To say Harry is fuming, is an understatement. He is becoming a ticking time bomb with the time. Liam is in state of shock. Suddenly, Liam makes a statement which just triggered the ticking bomb Harry even more, "But I was the one, who messaged Nialler. I wanted to talk little privately!!" Liam doesn't know what he has done. Ufff. There is no way in hell, me and Lou will be saved by anyone and from Harry.

Zayn's P.O.V.:

I know Hazza is very angry. He can do anything. But I really don't want him to bash Lou and Nialler. They did make a mistake by not knocking, but it was on other hand, a very hearty gesture towards me. They care so much for me that they didn't hesitate to come here, looking for me and even more they were well aware in between their sleep as well.

So Harry needs to cool down. But I have no energy left in me to even blush more. They all now know that we were engaged in a passionate love making work. So there is no way in hell, I can get up from bed, uncover myself infront of them, with my very much visible manhood problem to save this two duo. Liam now is snickering silently.

"Hazza, please leave them. They were looking for me. They were worried for me. That is why, they just budged in, only to check on me. I promise . They had no idea what we were doing." Ashamed, I try to calm down his anger a little bit.

"But they needed to check their phone atleast? I like to think that they are not that dumb." My words affect him but not much as I expected.

"Hazza, let's just forget what happened here, right now. They were innocent and very much worried about Zee. Please think about it." Liam just tries hard in order to smooth the tension.

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