Chapter: 25

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Zayn's P.O.V.:

I don’t know how can someone hurt the one person they claim to love. Robin indeed a jolly person, reminds me of Lou. How can Joshua hurt him this much? Big question is why?

I am with Frey. But I didn’t miss any of the things, happened there. They were loud. Frey is hugging me now. He knows something bad happened down there. He is upset. As I am rocking him gently, his head is on my shoulder, he ask me a question which I don’t have any answer.

“Zee, why someone hurt person like you?” I don’t know how to answer that. But I know that he will not leave me till he gets a answer.

“Bubba, I don’t know why? You know bubba, sometimes people think it is okay to leave moral ethics just to be in fame. But I am telling you, it is not okay for forever, that to live in fame, you are sacrificing your moral ethics, humanity, loyalty or modesty. Some people wants to control everyone. To gain power, they hurt people. But bubba, if there is bad people, then to balance out there is good people as well. Like your Ma and Papa. You promise me, you will be greatest of great human being. Okay?”

“Zee, but if they want power, then why don’t they earn it? Ma says, if you want respect then you have to earn it with your hard work. Then why can’t they just follow simple rule. It is cheating, if they want it without doing any work?” Frey is intelligent than most other children of his age. Pure soul as well. But everyone cannot be like him or his Ma. Or else this earth could have been in a better and beautiful place than where it is today.

“Bubba, everyone cannot be like you na!! They cannot be intelligent like you. That’s why they don’t know, what you said earlier. Okay? But little monkey, what about the promise hmm?” He giggles. His eyes lit up.

“I promise Zee, I will be honest, loyal and modest to everyone, everything and  to myself as well. I will not let any of you down.  Pinky promise.” He smiles. Then again he places head on my shoulder and asks me to sing him a song. ‘Once in a life time' is one of my favourite songs. So I start singing that. I guess, we are trapped here, while they work or sort this Robin and Joshua’s problem.

[Time skip 20 minutes]

Suddenly there is a loud crashing sound we hear. I don’t know, if someone is beating someone or someone just crashed. But it makes me stop singing and Grey to clutch my neck hardly. To ensure nothing bad happened there, I run to them with a terrified Frey in my arm, hugging him dearly in my chest.

But the scene, by which we are welcomed is not what, I want to happen now. Not ever. Vee is unconscious, lying in the sofa. While Marine is  busy tending her. On the other hand, Nialler and every other members except Matthew are trying to make Benedict not to lash on Joshua. Harry as well is nowhere to be seen. What is happening here. Frey starts to cry. Not loudly but sobbing.

“Ma. I want to go to ma. Zee, why Ma is lying like that?” His words make everyone turn their heads towards him. And immediately a guilty, painful look fill their face.

“Yeah, Frey let’s go to see your Ma. Don’t worry bubba. Nothing bad happened. She is just napping.” Glaring to Joshua, I go to Vee. There is no sign for her to wake up. But question is what happened? Where is Matthew and Hazza?

“Xander, can you pick her up and set her in her room? Marine come with me as well.” I instruct them. I need to know what happened, but not infront of Frey. So after placing Frey next to Vee in their room with Marine, I run back to the dining area. Now, the scene is not at all okay, for me. Anyone can tell something very bad happened. Nialler is crying. He runs towards me to hug me. I don’t even utter any words, but I get what I want, answers.

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