Chapter: 28

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Zayn’s P.O.V. :

Currently, me, Nialler, Marine, Frey and Maya, all are sitting in lounge and debriefing Maya about the whole ordeal. True to her words, she reached here within 1 hour and 30 minutes, at 7: 45 p.m. on the other hand, Hazza informed me some minutes ago, that they are coming back. It will take some times as they will bring dinner. Even Benedict and rests are also coming back. Vee also needs to stay in hospital. Though I wanted someone among us to go back after some refreshments to them to stay at hospital. But Benedict immediately said that there is no need, as someone from their unit will be their, as he got night duty.

Time flew by in one blink. Lili's annoying door bell chimes in. It is past 8:30 now. We let Maya to open the door. I know Lili will be delighted to have her here. Three of us and Frey are now hiding behind the big sofa, preparing for the big shoutout for Lili. After all, for him I am getting saved. He needs the biggest shoutout for bringing us closer than ever. Without him 'Mattiall' would not be here,           'Zarry' would not have happened ever. Besides all of us would have stayed broken for forever.

Maya opens the door. And first thing we see, is Lili’s wondering face with a hint of tears. Then Lili jumped on her, engulfing her in him. With the heavy weight of Lili, Maya looses balance and falls on her butt while hugging a overwhelmed Lili. Harreh is laughing. And rest of them is cheering for them, while standing there clapping.

“You can’t even imagine, how much I missed you. I love you so much. I love you Maya.”  Lili’s muffled voice chimes in. He is still on the floor hugging her. It is time to shoutout loud. So what we do best is shouting, and we jumped out behind the sofa, shouting loudly “Surprise. Love you too Lili”, including Marine. Hazza also joins us.

Lili looks up to us, and smiles, “Harry, you knew this. That is why you opened the group chat right??? And you little bugger, you called her.” He stands up and engulfs me and Hazza in a big hug.

“No Lili, the plan came originally from all of us, including Lou and Vee. We all planned it.” As I get upset, Frey hugs me more. “Zee, no cry. Ma and papa will be back. Remember you said to me!!” Freddie is so much like Lou, that his look also bugging us. I look towards everyone, they all get upset.

“Anyway, come on come in all of you. You people are standing outside for past couple of times. Hi Mrs. MacConnour. Come in.” I let them come in. “Harreh and Matt, go and freshen up first. Hey, Xenny and Rob go with Harreh. Alexa go with Maya she will show you Lili’s bathroom. Josh and you Mister go with Matt to get fresh. And Nialler can you please show Ben and Mrs. MacConnour the spare fourth guest room?? On the other hand me and Marine are arranging the dinner here okay??” But Nialler needs to whine, obviously.

“Why me, Marine is going. I will arrange the food here with you. Please? Pretty please Zee.” Everyone burst out laughing. Frey on the other hand is trying hard not to laugh. Poor soul.

“Are you going or not Nialler?? No whining. You just want to taste don’t you?? Go with them. And don’t come back without them.” I shoo him with my stern voice. He pouts more. But I am not going to give in. Matt, on the other hand is wheezing loudly, as he goes out of breath by laughing.

“Matt, continue what you are doing, and you will get none at night.” He makes a face and says it loud. Which makes us all laugh even more. On the other hand, Matt's face pales with the thought of 'getting none'.

Mrs. MacConnour chimes in, while clearing throat, “Zayn, first of all, Call me Jess or Jessica. I am not old to be called like grandma thing. Second, Niall, you said right, Matt will not get any from you willing, but you sure, he will not get it some other ways?”  I can’t think I can take any of it anymore.

Frey is baffled, because whole thing is out of reach of him. So he is only looking from faces to faces. “Zee, why Nini is red?” Baffled, finally he asks me. “Bubba, it is nothing. He is just little bit blushing, like you blush when someone praise you. Okay bubba?”

Someone’s phone suddenly chimes in. It is Vee's. The phone is with Harreh. He becomes pale. We all as well. We don’t know, how to tell him. Everyone is baffled. No one wants to do the hard work. On that, she is Indian. I know Indians do not work in some ways we work here. Like pregnant before marriage like things. Phone goes of. Next time, Lou's phone chimes in. We just cannot ignore her and Lou's family.

“Lili, give me Lou’s phone. I will talk.” A tear slips out of my eyes. Soon my eyes will pour out. I can’t help it. I sit down on couch with Frey on my lap and a continuously ringing phone. I cut the call, and then call him back.

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