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Hello lovelies,

so I'm back at school and already posting another chapter! Woo woo! Go me!

Next chapter will be up soon as it is already written but the chapter after that i need to write so you might have to wait a little. 

Also please do comment- it means a lot.

Love you all lots,


p.s. proud cause this chapter is kinda long :D

Bella POV

My week had passed suprisingly uneventfully. Apart from that one confrontation with Lauren I had had in the lunch que she hadn't really bothered me. Although I had no doubt that that was simply because I was never alone. I knew that as soon as I was alone again, she would find me. It was slightly creepy to be honest.

"Bella?"Charlie asked. 

"Oh yeah, sorry dad, I kinda spaced out there" I muttered, gazing at the floor.

"Are you happy here Bella?" Charlie asked, concerned. 

I paused- partly because I was suprised by his question but also because to be honest I wasn't quite sure, I had great friends but I was I really happy? But I knew that my happiness definitely wasn't down to where I was- I could never be happy again. Not after what he did to me. And it was so weird because I really wanted to hate him- despise him, want him dead- but part of me still loved him. And I knew that if he ever did the impossible and came back, I would accept him without a moments hesitation. 

"Because your mother and I think that in a sense perhaps you'd be better off with a fresh start after well you know everything that has happened..." Charlie trailed off.

"No, no, no" I chanted. "I like it here. I have friends. Please no" I begged.

He couldn't take me away from here- he couldn't. I wouldn't be able to cope without Alice. I needed them and besides this was my home. He can't. 

"I dunno Bells, I mean you're so quiet, you just stay locked in your room, you have nightmares everything night and you don't eat anything. Anything I say seems to hurt you and you cry every night. I think you need a new fresh start..."

And there it was, nobody wanted me. Everyone was trying to get rid of me. First Edward, then Jessica and Lauren and now my own father- Charlie. 

"You can't" I shouted. "You can't ship me off to wherever you want, you can't! I won't go! I just won't!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. "Nobody wants me, nobody cares but you can't get rid of me, I'll....I'll...I'll live with Alice or go homeless, I'm not leaving Forks"

"Bella you know that's not what I want" Charlie argued. "I'm doing this for you." he lied. 

That's what they all said. Edward had told me that. He said that it was for the best- that it was for my safety. I knew what that really meant. 

"You can't. You can't just get rid of me!" I shouted, standing up. 

"Oh Bella" Charlie mumured, looking at me pitifully. 

Well I wasn't going to be fooled. Not again. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Charlie reached over to hold my hand. 

"Don't touch me" I hissed as I backed away. 

Charlie's face turned upset and a pang of guilt went through me but I refused to let it get to me. He was the mean one. He should be guilty. Not me. I'm not trying to ship him off. 

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