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hello lovelies,

Happy easter! (I hope you get lots of chocolate eggs)

i am afraid that is extremely unlikely I'll be able to update next week as I am going on a music course- exciting! (hence the mid week update)

I am really sorry! 

The link is from kungfu panda and it is a really adorable clip (I've never actually seen kungfu panda but i do love this clip) when this guy says the best quotes!

This chapter is kinda just a filler (there isn't much drama so sorry!). 

So tell me whether you like it or not. Next chapter might be another filler (the plot for it was actually recommended by one of you! *cough Bobby*) depending on your response to this one.

Drama is coming up though- I promise and a little fluff!

Tell me what you think- you know I love seeing your comments (and i reply!!!)

Love you all lots,



Bella POV

"Heidi, why did Jane come for me?" I asked her curiously but slightly hesitantly- I didn't want to pry. 

"What do you mean?" she asked, her brows creasing slightly. 

"Well, I was just wondering why did Jane come all the way to Forks? Like was it just to change me or what...?" I rambled. 

"Oh, well I think you better let Aro explain that to you really..." she trailed off, hesitantly. 

"Oh ok" I said slightly dissapointed. I was under the impression that Aro probably wasn't going to be overly giving in information. 

"You done?" she asked me, surveying my appearance. "You're a suprisingly clean hunter for a newborn...y'know?" she added. 

I glanced down at my body and clothes and relaised that she was right. My pale white blouse was completely stainless and there was only two drops of blood on my jeans. 

"Thanks....and yep I think I'm done" I replied, giving her a slight smile. 

"Great cause we should start to head back, I know Aro wants to speak with you" she smiled back at me. 

She began to run off in the direction of home. I quickly followed her and had overtaked her in seconds. I was suprisingly fast and not clumsy in the least now that I was a vampire. 

"So...what do you think of Alec?" Heidi asked me, with a smirk as she caught up with me. 

"Alec? Which one's he?" I asked, feigning confusing as I slowed down into a jog. 

She snickered quietly. "Yeah like you don't were oogling him the whole time!"

I threw my arms up in mock surrender. "Was not" I mumbled. I knew that I'd be blushing like a tomato if I was human right now. 

Heidi simply raised an eyebrow in reply. 

"Yeah, ok! Alright!" I laughed. "He's well...." I paused to wonder how to phrase it. "cute" I said eventually.

 "But he'd never fall for someone like me, besides he's with blondie- Jane, is it?- no?"

"With Jane?!" Heidi laughs. "Um, I don't think so..they're siblings"

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