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One year later...

"Rose! Emmett!" I screamed, running towards them. "You're here!"

"Yep!" Rose laughed "And just in time for the party"

"I know, can you believe Aro is actually marrying Leah?!" I laughed.

"I know! It's ridiculous right? So much has changed..."

"Can you ladies get all nostalgic later, I want to see Alice not listen to you old ladies!" Emmett complained.

I laughed as Rose whacked him lightly.

"Ok fine, let me take you to your room" I said, turning around. "Follow me"

A minute or so later we arrived at their room. "You're staying two weeks, right?" I asked, as I opened the door,

"Yeah" Emmett grinned. "I'm so happy to see you again. It's been so long, bells"

"Six weeks, Emmett" I reminded him, with a smile.

Emmett rolled his eyes and mumbled something about girls not appreciating his care.

"Help me decide what to wear, I brought some dresses with me...but I couldn't decide which" Rosalie asked me.

"Some? More like 20" Emmett scoffed.

I stifled a laugh as Rose glared at Emmett.

"Oh, I picked out an outfit that I thought you might like" I said, opening the closet. I pulled out the midnight blue floor length gown I had picked out for her. Rose gasped, tracing her fingers over the crystal encrusted flowers.

"It's beautiful" she gasped. "Where did you find it?"

"Alice and I went gown shopping in Volterra and found it."

"Thank you" Rose smiled, taking the dress from my hand.

"Alright, well change quickly. Once you're changed, rose, come to my room - it's just down the corridor, remember?- cause all the girls are doing hair and makeup there"

Emmett groaned. "What am I supposed to do?"

"We'll all the guys are in Felix's room, I think they've got some kind of muscling match going on"

"Yes!" Emmett grinned.

Walking towards the door, I smiled "it's nice to have you guys back".

It had been an incredible year. Ever since everything had been sorted out with the Cullens, everything had been perfect.

Alec and I had been married. Alice and Jasper had fit in perfectly, and they had both been promoted. They worked as a pair. Carlisle had been killed three months ago, after attempting to kill James and Felix - the two guards guarding the cells - and also trying to escape.

I hadn't heard from Esme, although Rosalie was still close friends with her. Rosalie tells me that she is happy living with the Denalis and had also found her mate - a vampire called Richard. Tanya had  been really upset about Edwards death but had recovered when she found her mate last summer. All of the Denalis had gone on a holiday to forks and whilst they were there, Tanya had fell in love with a boy called Seth, who was also Leah's brother. He had been lucky. Unlike many of his friends, he hadn't become a werewolf as all the Cullens had left the area before he could have been old enough to have change. Tanya had changed him four months ago and he was also a vegetarian vampire. He lived with Tanya and the rest of the Denalis.

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