Chapter 3- Broken family

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Esme POV

"Alright, everyone to the living room" Carlisle called softy.

It took less than a few seconds for everyone to get in the living room. Everyone sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Emmett finally broke the silence.

"What do you want to tell us Carlisle?" he whispered, sadly.

Rosalie wrapped her arm around Emmett and kissed him softy. It killed me inside to see my usually booming loud and happy-go-lucky son so quiet and upset. When Emmett was really upset, it meant there really was no light for him. He was always so positive. It was what having Rosalie rescue him did. It made him see the positives of life. Of living.

"Ok, as everybody already knows, Edward broke up with Bella", Carlisle began.

I scanned all of the members of my family's faces to grasp their emotions. Carlisle's face was masked carefully but I was finding myself doubting whether he ever even cared about Bella. Jasper's emotions were as usual very well hidden, although he did seem guilty and upset, although not as much as everyone else. Alice looked like she was about to cry. Bella was practically a sister to Alice, they were so close. Alice was even closer to Bella than she was to Rose. Alice looked broken and I didn't know how she was going to cope with leaving Bella. Emmett looked surprisingly upset, I had known that Emmett liked Bella but it seemed that he really loved her. Rose surprised me. I had expected her to be completely uncaring and just relieved and happy about the idea, but she appeared surprisingly...concerned. As I saw her looking at Emmet's face, almost warily, I understood. Rosalie was relieved and happy, but was also worried for Emmett. And Edward? Edward's face made my face contort with anger, the selfish uncaring and even bored expression on who was once my best son, made me sick to my back teeth.

"And as a result of this, as you know, we are leaving Forks immediately".

Immediately? I didn't know that. I thought we were leaving in a weeks time. I thought we had time to say goodbye to Bella and Charlie, to pack and perhaps sell the house and say goodbye to miss Castley, she was a caring woman and had helped us a lot..

"immediately?" choked out Alice, barely managing to hide a sob.

"Yes" Edward answered coldly.

I had no idea what had come over Edward recently, he had become so cold- so distant and I didn't like it one bit. I was no longer proud to call him my son and quite frankly was just ashamed of him. He was rude, selfish and cold.

"You did not discuss this with me, Carlisle" I hissed, glaring at him.

"I did not realise this would be such a problem. Besides, it was a recent decision, Edward feels that it is easier for everyone if we leave as soon as possible..." Carlisle trailed off.

"Oh does he? Well that's ok then!" Rosalie exclaimed, sourly. "Cause I'm sure nobody feels differently and even if they did what difference would it make? Cause hey we don't mind, and you don't give a shit!!" she continued.

"Rosalie, language" I whispered on default. But even I was too upset to really get angry with her for swearing. Besides, I couldn't really blame her- I was thinking the exact same thing that she said.

"Sorry Mom" Rosalie mumured.

I nodded in her direction.

"I am sorry, but the decision has already been made." Edward said finally, no sign of regret on his face.

"How immediate is immediately?" I asked quietly.

Carlisle shot me a worried look and then reluctantly said "As soon as this conversation is over, everyone will have five minutes to pack and then we will leave" he stopped, to gauge my reaction.

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