Chapter 9- Assumptions

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Emmett POV

"Staying where?" Bella repeated confused.

"In Forks" I replied, watching her carefully.

"But why?"

"Because they don't want to leave you" I explained.

"So, they're going to leave their family to stay with me in Forks?" she asked, incredulous.


"Oh my God, I can't believe they'd do that just for me. I can't believe you would do this for me" she gasped.

"I thought everyone was going to leave without saying goodbye!" she cried.

"When in reality, you've come to say bye and explain. Alice and Jasper are staying with me, I can't believe it!" she mumured.

I just smiled at her. "How could we have left without saying goodbye to our baby bella and exchanging information of course?"

"I love you so much, Emmy, you too Rose" Bella said, sincerely.

"I love you too, Bella" Rosalie said.

"You do?" Bella asked, clealy shocked.

"Yes. Look I know I haven't been very welcoming towards you, I know I've been quite cold and frankly rude but that's nothing to do with you. It's because of what you are. You're human and I'm jealous of you for that..." Rosalie trailed off.

"Why, you have everything?" Bella asked, puzzled.

"No, you have everything, you have an entire life ahead of you. You can get married, have kids, a have nothing to hide. You're normal. I'm not, I can't have kids, I can't be a grandma....." Rosalie explained.

"I don't want to have a life without Edward" Bella whispered.

"Don't be ridiculous of course you do!" Rosalie scolded.

"I don't, Edward was the centre of my existence. Now that he's gone, there's no point of anything"

"Do not be so silly! That's one of the great things about being human, you forget! You forget people, you forget things! In two years time, you'll barely remember his name and then by five years, it will simply be a very distant memory- like a dream you can't remember properly. You'll fall in love again, this time with someone who deserves your love and you'll marry, have kids. You'll never see Edward again. The only memory you'll have of him, is through Alice and Jasper. You'll forget us as well and Carlisle and Esme. You won't remember a thing" Rosalie said, sourely. "That's what's so great about being a human!"

"You're wrong- any other man I would forget, but not- not" she gulped "not him. I know you do not believe that humans can have mates- but I believe that they can have soul mates. And he is my soul mate. No , Edward has ruined any possible chance of falling in love, I would have, just by being himself. Nobody will be able to match to Edward's standards, nobody will make me feel the same way he did, nobody will. Edward was my Emmett. Think about it, if Emmett left you" Rosalie flinched. "Do you honestly think you would be able to fall in love again? Honestly?"

"No" Rose muttered.

"And it's the same for me! Just becaue I'm not a vampire doesn't mean I can't feel as much as you do, it doesn't mean I can't fall in love as much as you do, it doesn't mean that at all!"

Rosalie gazed at the floor.

"No, Rose, if anyone is going to be jealous of each other here, then I am jealous of you!" Bella exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.

"What? Why?" I asked startled.

"Because she's got you, her love. She's got someone who is going to stand by her, no matter what. She's got her love and more to the point, her love loves her back, honestly does. No, Rose, I'm jealous of you, I didn't used to be. But I am now".

Nobody said anything for a few minutes until Bella suddenly asked "Where is Esme? Oh and Carlisle? Are they visiting too"

Rosalie looked at me.

"What?" Bella asked, clearly having noticed our exchange.

"They've left" I said, coldly.

"What? Already?" she asked, shcoked.

"Yes" Rosalie said, plainly.

"Without even saying goodbye. Carlisle, I am not so suprised by. But Esme- she's practically a mother to me..." she trailed off.

"I'm sorry, Bella, I really am, but Carlisle wanted them to leave immediately. He's....he's changed" Rosalie explained, as softly as possible.

"Oh" Bella said, plainly. "I see"

"But Esme asked me to give this to you" Rosalie said, softly. handing her a thick envelope with to my dear daughter, Bella written elegantly on the front.

"Thank you" Bella said.

"Listen, here are our detailes, phone numbers, email etc." Emmett said.

"Thank you" Bella whispered.

"Esme's is there too" Rosalie added.

Bella nodded.

'We need to go before it gets dark, it's dangerous to drive at night after all" I joked.

Bella smiled at me, weakly. I sighed, it was going to be a while before Bella was back to normal. Bella walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Bye Bella, I love you" I said, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Listen you'll always be my baby sister"

"You'll always be my big brother" Bella sniffed.

"Promise to call?" I choked out.

"Of course" Bella paused "And promise to return my calls?" she asked.

"What sort of brother would I be if I didn't, eh?" I sniffled.

"Don't I get a chance to say goodbye" Rosalie complained.

"Of course" Bella smiled, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Bella released me and walked over to Rose.

"I'm sorry, Bella, for being such a cow" Rosalie whispered.

"It's fine. I love you"

"I love you too"

They pulled apart.

"I'll never forget you" Bella vowed.

"Listen, I just want you to know, I don't regret any of this, your family gave me the best six months of my life." she cried.

"I would go through it all over again, even Edward leaving me" she continued "Just to meet your family. Honest. I love you"

"We love you too"

"Goodbye, Bella" I whipered.

"Goodbye, Emmett. Goodbye Rosalie"

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