Chapter 41-revenge

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Bella POV

"Heidi, can you please fetch Carlisle?"

Heidi nodded.

"Can I do the most of this one?" Aro asked me.

I turned around to face Aro.

"Of course"

One thing I loved about the Volturi guard and more specifically the royalty was that even though there was obviously a King- Aro, he treated us all equally. He didn't demand anything of us and he gave us all control.

"Are you sure this doesn't bother you? I mean" I glanced at Marcus and Caius "I thought you were all close friends with Carlisle"

Aro smiled sadly.

"I used to be, but he is ruthless. He can be so lovely but it's all a bit of an act. And when his act wears off or he gets put in certain situations, he turns into one of the most harsh and bitter men I know. Besides, my dear his actions here simply confirm my fear- we've lost him, it is too far down the line for us to change him. I don't think Carlisle will be going free."

"Certainly not" I agreed "And I want him to suffer too, Jane is here of course and Felix. And Alec"

"You know you should watch him" Marcus joked lightly "he's quite protective of you, I'm not sure Carlisle will make it out alive"

"Oh, he certainly won't" I said seriously.

"I mean really" Caius rubbed his hands together "I've waited all day for this and besides who's going to miss him- I mean he isn't exactly married now and nobody seems to like him so far."

"And" Marcus added "the only person who does like him: Edward, well that pain is going to be the least of his troubles!"

I grinned at Marcus.

"Too right!" Jane exclaimed.

"Now the question is, had he learnt his lessons and is he going to come in all polite?" I smiled.

"Oh definitely not" Jane grinned "old men never learn"

"Hey!" Aro protested.

"Why are you offended, Aro?" Felix joked. "You're not old"

Aro smiled.

"Why thank you-"

"You're ancient!" Felix interrupted.

Jane and I burst out laughing.

"But, I'm still better looking than you" Aro replied.

"Ooh" Marcus grinned.

"sure, sure- whatever floats your boat, Aro"  Felix laughed.

A knock on the door silenced us all.

"Come in" Caius said coldly.

Heidi opened the door and walked in. Carlisle and Edward followed him. James followed them at the back.

"Carlisle, Edward" Aro stated coldly.

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