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This is a seriously dramatic chapter- loads happens and well it leaves on a little of a cliff hanger- not gonna spoil anything though.

Is anyone else here seriously unsporty? And not particularly clever? And your friends are? Cause that is me and I feel so left out- the third wheel, the pity party. Akward!

Anyway, this chapter is again super long and I am proud with my consistent updates every monday!


I love you guys,



Bella POV

The doctor's appointment had gone exactly as I thought it would. I needed to put on weight, I needed to smile more, I needed to go out more, I needed to move on, I needed to this....I needed to that....

And the rest of the week had been equally boring. Apart from the fact that Alice and Jasper were nowhere to be seen. I'd called them repeatedly but they'd never picked up or replied to my numerous, increasingly worried texts. It was really worrying- and confusing- me. They'd said that they would be back five days ago.

One thing my Dad was really keen on at the moment was me meeting up with Jacob Black. Honestly, I think Charlie and Billy have been doing some match making! But i wasn't ready for that yet- the relationship or the seeing other people. I couldn't forget Edward- despite what I'd said to him last week- I knew I still loved him and would take him back without a moments hesitation.

Rose, Kate and I were meeting this afternoon and I was really excited but also kinda nervous. I was worried what there reactions would be when they saw me. I knew I looked rubbish and I didn't know what they would say.

I glanced at the clock, 3pm. I hadn't done anything all day other than lie in my bedroom. I wasn't even hungry at all. It was Saturday. Sighing, I decided I couldn't stay here all day and got up. I quickly got changed into a pair of ripped denim jeans that Alice had forced me to buy from Topshop and a grey jumper from some little shop on our 'highstreet'. Pulling a brush through my hair and grabbing my old trainers and my phone, I pulled myself out of my room and downstairs.

"I'm just going out Dad? Ok?" I called, as I opened the front door, backing away fromt the cold wind blowing furiously.

"Hang on a minute, Bells!" I heard my Dad shout as he jogged to the door. I paused.

"Where are you going?" he asked me, suprise evident on his face.

"Into the forest" I answered simply.

I watched as Charlie's face dropped. I relaized he'd been hoping I was going to visit Jacob. 

"I dunno Bells...." Charlie trailed off.

"What why?" I asked, confused.

"Well, there's been sightings of really large wolves..."

"Wolves?! In Forks! Yeah right?" I laughed.

"No seriouly Bells" Charlie said, his expression dark.

"Oh" I paused. "well listen Dad, I'll stay on the trail and I've got my phone and besides I'll only be half an hour..." I said.

"Yeah but I dunno...." he began again.

"C'mon Dad, please" I begged, giving him puppy dog eyes.

I really really wanted to see Rose and Kate.

"Yeah ok" Charlie said hesitantly, finally agreeing. "But call me if anything- and I mean anything happens, ok?" he asked sternly.

"Yep" I said, popping the p. "Thanks, Dad, love you" I shouted as I ran out the door.

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